Rough English translation
This set of five graphs aim to visualize the distribution of the four types of advertising areas previously identified:
- subdistrict (1) : < 1/4 page
- district (2) : between 1/4 and 1/2 page
- settlement (3) : > 1/2 page
- empire (4) : whole page
N.B. Number "0" and white color stand for restricted zones (no ads).
Page numbers are indicated on the "X" axis, while area code (from 1 to 4) are indicated on the "Y axis". By juxtaposing the five successive graphs, one can trace the changes of sizes and the migrations of advertising areas accros the newspaper issue between 1914 and 1949.
The measurements were made from our five usual samples of the newspaper Shenbao: Jan 7, 1914 ; Jan 3, 1924 ; Jan 5, 1934 ; Feb 1, 1941 ; Jan 1, 1949.