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239Restricted zones in the French Concession (1938-1940)

240Advertising rates in the International Settlement (1931-1943)

241Advertising and transportation networks in Shanghai (1936)

242Advertising and shopping facilities in the French Concession (1937)

243Advertising and foreign residents in the French Concession (1937)

244Advertising and suburban landscapes in Shanghai (1924)

245Advertising and green spaces in Shanghai (1905-1943)

246Advertising and sacred spaces in Shanghai (1905-1943)

247Advertising hotspots in Shanghai (1905-1943)

248Oriental Advertising space-times in Shanghai International Settlement during the year 1914

249Shanghai Rotarians' office and residence

250Shanghai Rotarians' office or residence (grouped by nationality)

251Shanghai Rotarians' places of residence (grouped by occupation)

252Shanghai Rotarians' workplaces, grouped by class of service (sector of activity)

253Rotary Clubs in China

254Transportation networks in Shanghai

255Transportation networks in Shanghai

256Street furnishing in Shanghai

257La publicité lumineuse à Shanghai (Luminous advertising in Shanghai)

258Early liumei's native places

259Early liumei's places of residence in 1917

260Early liumei's sources of funding; share of public funding by province
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