639 documents
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639 results (6/11 pages)     1234567891011       
ID Title Source Type Year 

401Shenbao Children Year Special Edition in 1934 Daily newspaper1934

402Shenbao Weekly Leisure Supplement in 1934 Daily newspaper1934

403North China Daily News "Woman's Page" (every monday) in 1924North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1924

404North China Daily News "Motor Notes" (every Friday) in 1924North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1924

405North China Daily News second title page (no Sunday edition) in 1924North China Daily News Daily newspaper1924

406North China Daily News first title page (weekly edition of the NCH) in 1924North China Daily News Daily newspaper1924

407North China Daily News title page (weekly edition of the NCH) in 1914North China Daily News Daily newspaper1914

408North China Daily News "Woman's Page" (Wednesday, Jan 3, 1934)North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1934

409North China Daily News "Woman's Page" (Thursday, Jan 4, 1934)North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1934

410North China Daily News "Woman's Page" (Monday, Jan 1, 1934)North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1934

411North China Daily News "Book Page" (Monday, Jan 1, 1934)North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1934

412North China Daily News Magazine Supplement (Sunday Jan 7, 1934)North China Daily NewsWeekly magazine1934

413North China Daily News Automobile Supplement (Friday July 6, 1934)North China Daily NewsWeekly magazine1934

414North China Daily News Seventieth Anniversary Supplement (Sunday, July 29, 1934)North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1934

415North China Daily News "Shopping News" in 1949North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1949

416Propaganda-style advertisement for Hongkong & Shanghai Bank in British newspaper North China Daily News in 1941North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1941

417Advertisement for Confederation Life AssociationNorth China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1941

418Charity advertisement for the Christmas Fund in favor of the Free French Forces by the North China Daily News and Chartered Bank in the North China Daily News in 1941North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1941

419Charity advertisement for Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited, in the North China Daily News in 1941North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1941

420Advertisement for Kolynos Dental Cream in the North China Daily News in 1941North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1941

421Advertisement for Canadian Pacific in the North China Daily News in 1941North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1941

422Propaganda-style advertisement for Hongkong & Shanghai Bank in British newspaper North China Daily News in 1941North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1941

423Announcement to advertisers by the Chinese newspaper Shenbao in 1912ShenbaoDaily newspaper1912

424Advertisement for Xingfeng (興豐) Company in 1911ShenbaoDaily newspaper1911
425Advertisement for a medicine in 1911ShenbaoDaily newspaper1911

426Full-page advertisement for Pinhead cigarette (品海香烟 pinhai xiangyan) (BAT) in 1911ShenbaoDaily newspaper1911

427Advertisement for Jintan medicine (仁丹 Rendan) in 1911ShenbaoDaily newspaper1911

428Advertisement for Great Eastern Dispensary in 1912ShenbaoDaily newspaper1912

429Advertisement for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in 1912ShenbaoDaily newspaper1912

430Advertisement for Horlicks Malted Milk in 1912ShenbaoDaily newspaper1912

431Advertisement for Jintan medicine (仁丹 Rendan) in 1912ShenbaoDaily newspaper1912

432Advertisement for Holland China Haendels Compagnie in 1912ShenbaoDaily newspaper1912

433Advertisement for International Dispensary in 1912ShenbaoDaily newspaper1912
434Advertisement for Bayer in the Chinese newspaper Shenbao in 1941ShenbaoDaily newspaper1941

436Advertisement for Wakamoto in the British newspaper North China Daily News in 1941ShenbaoDaily newspaper1941

437Advertisement for K. Hirano (Japanese Expert Packer) in the British newspaper North China Daily News in 1934ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

438Advertisement for New York Cigarette in the Chinese Newspaper Shenbao in 1919ShenbaoDaily newspaper1919

439Advertisement for President (大總統牌 Dazongtongpai) and Conqueror (强軍牌香烟 Qiangjunpai xiangyan) cigarettes in the newspaper Shenbao in 1914 (vertical version)ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914
440Shenbao huakan Weekly magazine

441Full-page advertisement for Jintan in the Shenbao 1915ShenbaoDaily newspaper1915

442Double advertisement for Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and Pinkettes in the Shenbao in 1917ShenbaoDaily newspaper1917

443Advertisement for Rendan medicine in the Shenbao in 1919ShenbaoDaily newspaper1919

444Advertisement for China National Aviation Company (CNAC) in the Shenbao in 1931 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1931

445Advertisement for Carlton Theatre in the Shenbao in 1931 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1931

446Full-page advertisement for Federal Cigarette in the Shenbao in 1932ShenbaoDaily newspaper1932

447Shenbao Pictorial Supplement 申報圖畫週刊 (Shenbao tuhua zhoukan) in 1932ShenbaoWeekly, periodical1932

448Advertisement for Washington Cigarette in the Shenbao in 1932ShenbaoDaily newspaper1932

449Advertisement for Hankou Kaiming Bookstore in 1932ShenbaoDaily newspaper1932

450Advertisement for Shanghai Trust Company (上海信託公司 Shanghai xintuo gongsi) in the Shenbao in 1941ShenbaoDaily newspaper1941

451Advertisement for Crusade Cigarette (克羅賽香煙 Keluosan xiangyan) in the Shenbao in 1943 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1943

452Advertisement for Bayer Neosalvarsan (新六0六 Xin liulingliu) in the Shenbao in 1943 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1943

453Advertisement for Prosperity (紅金 Hongjin) Cigarette in the Shenbao in 1948ShenbaoDaily newspaper1948

454Advertisement for War Savings Association in the North China Daily News in 1917 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1917

456Full-page textual advertisement for Johnnie Walker Whisky in the North China Daily News in 1927 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1927

457Advertisement for Johnnie Walker Whisky in the North China Daily News in 1927 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1927

458Advertisement for International Assurance Company, Limited in the North China Daily News in 1931 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1931

459Advertisement for Butterfield & Swire (Insurance) in the North China Daily News in 1931 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1931

460Advertisement for the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company in the North China Daily News in 1931 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1931

461Advertisement for the Manufacturers Life Insurance Company in the North China Daily News in 1931 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1931

462Advertisement for the American Oriental Finance Corporation in the North China Daily News in 1932North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1932
639 results (6/11 pages)     1234567891011       
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