639 documents
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639 results (1/11 pages)     1234567891011       
ID Title Source Type Year 

362Advertising proofs for Richard Hudnut (Gemey) cosmetics (undated) Wu, Zhu, 1946Printed advertisement1946

696"Sell Ice at Large Profits". Advertisement for York Ice Machinery (Andersen, Meyer & Co., LtdWeekly Review of the Far EastPeriodical1921

698"Pays for Itself Out of the Money It Saves". Advertisement for York Ice Machinery (Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd.)Weekly Review of the Far EastPeriodical1921

699United States Shipping Board ServiceWeekly Review of the Far EastPeriodical1921

700Textile Amelioration (Advertisement for Gebauer Machine-Works, Carlowitz & Co.)Weekly ReviewPeriodical1922

701Advertisement for Oregon PineWeekly ReviewPeriodical1922

702Advertisement for Oregon PineWeekly ReviewPeriodical1922

703Advertisement for Oregon PineWeekly ReviewPeriodical1922

359Advertisement for Parke, Davis & Co (Detroit) Germicidal Soap (McClintock) (1921)UnknownChinese newspaperUnknown

360Advertisement for Ingersoll (?) clocks in a Chinese newspaper (1921)UnknownChinese newspaperUnknown

361Advertisement for Lucana cigarettesUnknownChinese newspaper1921
623Advertisement for China Telephones (Carl Crow, Inc., Proprietors)The Weekly Review of the Far East1922

704Advertisement for "Centrosojus" (All-Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies)The China Weekly ReviewPeriodical1923

656Advertisement for the China Publishers' DirectorySouth China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1935

658Congratulations to the Hongkong Soya Bean Products Co., Ltd.South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1957

659CCAA's congratulations to Civil Air Transport (CAT) for its 10th anniversarySouth China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1956

661Ronnie. Advertisement for China Commercial Advertising Agency (HK)South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1962

662Eric. Advertisement for China Commercial Advertising Agency (HK)South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1962

663Philip. Advertisement for China Commercial Advertising Agency (HK)South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1962

664Bill. Advertisement for China Commercial Advertising Agency (HK)South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1962

665Basil. Advertisement for China Commercial Advertising Agency (HK)South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1962

666C.P. Advertisement for China Commercial Advertising Agency (HK)South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1962

668Advertisement for the Hong Kong Dollar Director (1967 edition)South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1966

670Advertisement for the Local Property and Printing Co., LtdSouth China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1970

672Advertisement for the Hong Kong Dollar Directory (1972 edition) South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1971

674Advertisement for the Hong Kong Dollar Directory (1973 edition) South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1972

675Advertisement for the Hong Kong Dollar Directory (1975 edition) South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1974

676Advertisement for the Hong Kong Dollar Directory (1976 edition) South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1975

677Advertisement for the Hong Kong Dollar Directory (1977 edition) South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1976

678Advertisement for the Hong Kong Dollar Directory (1978 edition) South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1977

679Advertisement for the Hong Kong Dollar Directory (1979 edition) South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1978

680Advertisement for the Hong Kong Dollar Directory (1980 edition) South China Morning PostDaily morning newspaper1979

728China Neonlite Co.South China Morning Postnewspaper1930

729China Neonlite Co.South China Morning Postnewspaper1929

730China Neonlite Co.South China Morning Postnewspaper1929

731China Neonlite Co.South China Morning Postnewspaper1930

100Advertisement for Scott's Emulsion published in the Shenbao, January 7, 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

101Advertisement for Betelnut Cigarette in the Shenbao, January 5, 1934 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

102Advertisement for Scott's Emulsion published in the Shenbao, January 5, 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

103Advertisement for Scott's Emulsion published in the Shenbao, January 3, 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924

104Advertisement for Virol, Limited published in the Shenbao, January 6, 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

105Advertisement for Kepler published in the newspaper Shenbao, January 6, 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

106Advertisement for Kepler published in the newspaper Shenbao, January 3, 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924

107Advertisement for Kepler published in the newspaper Shenbao, January 1, 1934ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

108Advertisement for Kepler Cod Liver Oil published in the newspaper Shenbao, February 1, 1941ShenbaoDaily newspaper1941

109Advertisement for Jintan published in the newspaper Shenbao, January 1, 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

110Advertisement for Jintan published in the newspaper Shenbao, January 4, 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

111Advertisement for Doan Backache & Kidney Pills in the newspaper Shenbao, January 4, 1914 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

112Advertisement for Doan Backache & Kidney Pills in the newspaper Shenbao, January 4, 1924 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924

113Advertisement for Scott's Emulsion published in the Shenbao, January 5, 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924

114Advertisement for Doan Backache & Kidney Pills in the newspaper Shenbao, January 6, 1934 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

115Advertisement for Doan Backache & Kidney Pills in the newspaper Shenbao, January 1, 1934 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

116Advertisement for Doan Ointment in the newspaper Shenbao, January 5, 1934 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

117Advertisement for Ever-ready blades published in the Shenbao, January 5, 1934ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

118Advertisement for Philips light bulb in the newspaper Shenbao in 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924

119Advertisement for International Correspondence Schools (I.C.S.) in the newspaper Shenbao in 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924

120Advertisement for Huamao harmonica in the Shenbao in 1949 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1949

121Advertisement for Shuangmei face powder in the Shenbao in 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

122Advertisement for Taoshuntianguan (Japanese face beauty lotion) in the newspaper Shenbao in 1914 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

123Advertisement for a Japanese face beauty lotion in the Shenbao, 1914 (2) Shenbao Daily newspaper1914
639 results (1/11 pages)     1234567891011       
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