639 documents
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639 results (1/11 pages)     1234567891011       
ID Title Source Type Year 

694"A Strong American House." Advertisement for Rogers Brown & CompanyMillard's Review of the Far EastPeriodical1920

705"An Achievement in Municipal Ownership". Advertisement for the Shanghai Municipal Council Electricity DepartmentNorth China HeraldPeriodical1924

523"Around the World in Picture" page in the North China Daily News in 1949North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1949

522"Fashion" Page published in the North China Daily News in 1949North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1949

521"Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year" page published in the North China Daily News in 1949North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1949

520"News Events of 1948 in Picture Review" page in the North China Daily News in 1949North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1949

698"Pays for Itself Out of the Money It Saves". Advertisement for York Ice Machinery (Andersen, Meyer & Co., Ltd.)Weekly Review of the Far EastPeriodical1921

696"Sell Ice at Large Profits". Advertisement for York Ice Machinery (Andersen, Meyer & Co., LtdWeekly Review of the Far EastPeriodical1921

712Accounting (Alexander Hamilton Institute)China PressNewspaper1930

301Advertisement for Zhuanghua Wool Company the Shenbao, January 5, 1934 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

178Advertisement for 大愛國牌(Da aiguo) and Great Wall 大長城 (Dachangcheng) cigarette in the Shenbao in 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924

177Advertisement for 大愛國牌(Da aiguo) cigarette in the Shenbao in 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924

704Advertisement for "Centrosojus" (All-Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies)The China Weekly ReviewPeriodical1923

609Advertisement for "Dodo Enamel" (Racine & Cie) in the North China Daily News in 1924 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1924

610Advertisement for "Ferrogene" (Racine & Cie) in the North China Daily News in 1924 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1924

649Advertisement for "Happy Home"China PressPeriodical1936

155Advertisement for "Longlife Vita-Spermin & Tablet" 長命牌維他賜保命注射劑丸劑 (Changmingpai weitaci baoming zhusheji waji) by Sine Laboratory in the Shenbao in 1934 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

337Advertisement for "Strong man" ginseng pills 力士商標人參再造丸 (Lishishangbiao renshen zazaowan) in the Shenbao, Jan 1 1949 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1949

577Advertisement for 555 State Express Cigarette in the Shenbao in 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924

134Advertisement for 99 Vitamin (九九維他 Jiujiu weita) in the Shenbao in 1949ShenbaoDaily newspaper1949

147Advertisement for 99 Vitamin (九九維他 Jiujiu weita) in the Shenbao in 1949ShenbaoDaily newspaper1949

207Advertisement for 999 towel 泰豐牌999毛巾 (Taifengpai 999 maojin) in the Shenbao in 1949ShenbaoDaily newspaper1949

348Advertisement for a book on criminal science in the Shenbao in 1941ShenbaoDaily newspaper1941

494Advertisement for a cold beverage (馬寶山公司 Mabaoshan gongsi) in the Shenbao in 1934ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

286Advertisement for a German-invented tuberculosis treatment (美商愛世開洋行[科學部]) in the Shenbao, January 5, 1934 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

497Advertisement for a harvesting machine in the Shenbao in 1934ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

123Advertisement for a Japanese face beauty lotion in the Shenbao, 1914 (2) Shenbao Daily newspaper1914

496Advertisement for a Lion brand mosquito repellent in the Shenbao in 1934ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

265Advertisement for a meatjuice for women (利亞婦女補血汁) by 利亚化学制药公司 in the Shenbao in 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924
425Advertisement for a medicine in 1911ShenbaoDaily newspaper1911

482Advertisement for a mosquito repellent in the Shenbao in 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

311Advertisement for a private school of pharmacy in the Shenbao in 1941 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1941

483Advertisement for a radiator in the Shenbao in 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

169Advertisement for a sewing machine in the Shenbao, 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

267Advertisement for a 烏鷄白鳳丸 [Phoenix pills for women) in the Shenbao in 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924

597Advertisement for Abdulla Cigarette in the North China Daily News in 1914 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1914

598Advertisement for Abdulla Cigarette in the North China Daily News in 1914 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1914

599Advertisement for Abdulla Cigarette in the North China Daily News in 1914 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1914

288Advertisement for Absinthe Pernod Fils in the Shenbao, January 5, 1934 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

341Advertisement for Aemesis 愛美西施 (Aimei xishi) female medicine in the Shenbao in 1941ShenbaoDaily newspaper1941

571Advertisement for Alca Water in the North China Daily News in 1934 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1934

707Advertisement for Alexander Hamilton InstituteMillard's Review of the Far EastWeekly1921

708Advertisement for Alexander Hamilton InstituteMillard's Review of the Far EastWeekly1921

709Advertisement for Alexander Hamilton InstituteMillard's Review of the Far EastWeekly1920

710Advertisement for Alexander Hamilton InstituteMillard's Review of the Far EastWeekly1920

528Advertisement for Allenbury's Milk Cocoa in the North China Daily News in 1914North China Daily News Daily newspaper1914

293Advertisement for Allenbury's Pastille (愛蘭百利喉糖 Ailan bailihoutang) in the Shenbao, January 5, 1934 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

542Advertisement for Allenbury's Pastille in the North China Daily News in 1934 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1934

467Advertisement for American Oriental Finance Corporation in the North China Daily News in 1932North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1932

468Advertisement for American Oriental Finance Corporation in the North China Daily News in 1932North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1932

613Advertisement for American-Oriental Banking Corporation in the North China Daily News in 1932North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1932

478Advertisement for an electric fan in the Shenbao in 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

148Advertisement for Anglo-Chinese Dispensary Children's Pastilles (小兒疳積糖 Xiao'er ganjitang) in the Shenbao in 1914 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

472Advertisement for Anglo-Chinese Dispensary in the Shenbao in 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

229Advertisement for Anglo-Chinese Dispensary in the Shenbao, Jan 7, 1914 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

294Advertisement for anti-opium addiction red pills (鴉片紅丸) in the Shenbao, January 5, 1934 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1934

553Advertisement for Aquarius Aerated Waters Fosferado in the North China Daily News in 1917 North China Daily NewsDaily newspaper1917

475Advertisement for Azumi & Co Insect Powder in the Shenbao in 1914ShenbaoDaily newspaper1914

274Advertisement for B.M. & Co. (Brunner, Mond & Company (China), Ltd.) in the Shenbao in 1924ShenbaoDaily newspaper1924
139Advertisement for Baby's Own Tablet in the Shenbao in 1941 ShenbaoDaily newspaper1941
639 results (1/11 pages)     1234567891011       
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