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printID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
75Peking: a social survey conducted under auspices of the Princeton University Center in China and the Peking Young Men's Christian Association1921BookGamble, Sidney, David, Burgess, John StewartEnglishsociology, social, survey, Peking, China, Princeton, YMCA
81Pressmen as Diplomats. Prof. William's View on the Potentialities of the Newspapers1921Journal articleAnonymousEnglishpress; diplomat; Missouri; dean; school; journalism; Crow; Shenbao;
101Peking Who's Who1922BookRamsay, AlexEnglishdirectory; peking; biography; business
125Peking Utility Book1921BookEnglishdirectory; utility; woman; mother; club; college; Peking; book; advertisement; advertising
126Peking Utility Book1937BookPeiping International Women's ClubEnglishdirectory; utility; woman; club; international; Peking; book; war
193Practical demonstration of a "Sino-American" plow successfully adapted to Chinese conditions1920Archival documentsReisner, John H.Englishagriculture; tool; plow; farming; peasant; farmer
256Personal Notes. CCAA's 10h Anniversay1936Journal articleEnglishCCAA; Ling; dinner; party; hotel; anniversary;
263Professor Hung on the Ch'un Ch'iu1938Journal articleCh'i, Ssu-HoEnglishsocial sciences; social survey; population; statistics; fact; observation; personality;
266Printing Papers: Its Supply and Demand in China1938Journal articleLöwenthal, RudolfEnglishsocial sciences; social survey; consumption; paper; printing;
338Practice of Medicine by the Chinese in America 1887BookCullen, Stewart, 1909-Englishhealth; medicine; science; Chinese; United States; booklet
342Private Diary of Robert Dollar 1912BookDollar, Robert, 1844-1932Englishautobiography; business; elite; power; Shanghai; steamship; travel; diary; China; Japan
343Private Diary of Robert Dollar 1912BookDollar, Robert, 1844-1932Englishautobiography; business; elite; power; Shanghai; steamship; travel; diary; China; Japan
345Pocket Guide to China 1942BookUnited States. ArmyEnglishguide; travel; war; language
347Photoplays in Manchoukuo1939Journal articleJih KaoshengEnglishentertainment; leisure; photograph; Manchuria; propaganda; Japanese; war
349Postage Stamps of Manchoukuo1939Journal articleItoda TaroEnglishpostal; Manchuria; propaganda; Japanese; war; illustration;
358Peking: a historical and intimate description of its chief places of interest : with maps, plans and illustrations1920BookBredon, JulietEnglishtravel; Beijing; foreign; map; illustration; history; landmark
386Peking Consumers' Society [News from North China]1920Journal articleEnglishconsumer; association; Beijing; price; quality; outport
410Promising outlook of Chinese markets1921Journal articleEnglishoptimism; China; market; export; progress; customs; salt administration; import; food;
415Price of Commodities. The "Statist's" Index-Numbers1921Journal articleEnglishconsumer; statistics; index; price; market; science; global; commodities; trade; depression; Shanghai
448Psychology of Sales1923Journal articleEnglishChina; Shanghai; psychology; retailer; sale; depression; price; consumer; buyer; profit;
452Pure Milk and The Dairyman (To the Editor of the "North-China Daily News")1924Journal articleAnonymous reader (Small Dairyman)Englishopinion; consumer; dairy; milk; pure; public health; hygiene; safety; China; Shanghai
456Prices in Shanghai (To the Editor of the "North-China Daily News")1924Journal articleAnonymous readerEnglishopinion; consumer; complaint; price; store; coal; war; Shanghai; China
766Personal reminiscences of thirty years' residence in the model settlement Shangai, 1870-19001906BookDyce, Charles M.EnglishShanghai; food; sports; foreign; International Settlement; language; women;
775Principle Of Political Economy 1924BookGide, Charles; Row, Ernest F. (translator)Englishconsumer; cooperative movement; French; political economy; history of thought; economist; expert;
797Peking. A historical and intimate description of its chief places of interest ... With maps, plans and illustrations1920BookBredon, JulietChineseBeijing; map; place; travel; guide; woman; index; chronology;
798Peking Dust1919BookLa Motte, Ellen N.EnglishBeijing; travel; photograph; letter; biography; diary; wartime; WWI; customs; street culture; coolie;
859Problems involved in the Washington ConferenceBookCheng, Chi P.Englishstudents association; United States; China; returned students; transnational; elite; organization; network; imperialism; manifesto; pamphlet; peace; conference; war; WWI;
918Posters in Shanghai1914Journal articleEnglishadvertising; by-laws; poster; hoarding; landscape; ratepayer; Shanghai; International Settlement; Shanghai Municipal Council; China;
919Pagodas As Billboards In China Proclaim Merits Of Cigarettes To Passersby1931Journal articleEnglishadvertising; pagoda; poster; Guomindang; landscape; sacred; poster; tobacco; Nanjing; China;
934Pagodas As Billboards In China Proclaim Merits of Cigarettes to Passerby1931Journal articleEnglishadvertising; Beijing; British; Guomindang; Nanjing; pagoda; poster; propaganda; sacred; tobacco;
942Pure Secretary Guaranteed. Transmutograph Gets Indigestion. Machine Goes Drunk On Words.1931Journal articleEnglishmutograph; night; advertising; Race course; entertainment; humour; American; British; Japanese;
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