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printID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
25Monster Neon Sign Reveals Faith in City. "Beehive" Light Display Said Second Largest Structure in World.1938Journal articleEnglishneon; city; light; Claude; gigantism; spectacle
26Making your Products Widely Known in China Will Open Her Market1920Journal articleChun Mei News Agency, Advertising DepartmentEnglishadvertising, agency, advertisement, appeal, appropriation, artist, campaign, copy-writer, expert, investigator, men, press, periodical, Crow, China, United States, report, sale, science, service, stage, trade, waste, interwar
28Masonic Funeral Is Held For Crawshaw. Local Lodge Directs Rites At Hungjiao Cemetery1933Journal articleAnonymousEnglishAcme, funeral, masonic, Shanghai, Crawshaw, cemetery, Hungjiao
34Mazes Sail On Empress Liner. Japan Continues Trip to Colony, Manila1936Journal articleAnonymousEnglishliner, Japan, colony, Manila, Vancouver, sail, Consolidated Advertising Agency, round-trip
58My Friends the Chinese1938BookCarl CrowEnglishChina, friend, Japan, war, Crow
60Meet the South Americans1940BookCarl CrowEnglishSouth, Latin, America, war, Crow
61Master Kung: The Story of Confucius1940BookCarl CrowEnglishChina, philosophy, Confucius, biography, war, Crow
90Men and Events. American Chamber of Commerce. Special Committee for the study of the problem of a Trade Mark and Copyright Law in China. 1919Journal articleAnonymousEnglishchamber; commerce; comittee; trademark; copyright; law; Crow
109Manchuria, land of opportunities; illustrated from photographs with diagrams and maps1922BookMinami Manshū Tetsudō Kabushiki Kaisha; Logan, Thomas F., Inc., New YorkEnglishManchuria; land; opportunity; railway; transportation; Japan; United States
116Map and Short description of Tientsin1900BookDrake, Noah Fields (b. 1864)EnglishTientsin; guide; map; description
146Mr. C.P. Ling. Founder and Proprietor of the China Commercial Advertising Agency, 1926-19361936Journal articleSapajouEnglishanniversary; birthday; agency; founder; manager; biography; success; progress
223McCann-Erikson in Hong Kong1963Journal articleEnglishLing; CCAA; joint; venture; McCann-Erikson; Hongkong;
245Men and Events. C.P. Ling's business trip in South China1930Journal articleEnglishLing; CCAA; business; trip; investigation; personal; Hongkong; Canton; city; south; market
247Men and Events. D.L. Chiang's dismissal from CCAA1935Journal articleEnglishLing; CCAA; dismissal; staff; agency; personnel;
250Men and Events. Earl T. Russell's visit in Shanghai 1939Journal articleAnonymousEnglishCCAA; Ling; guest; Advertising; New York; business; trip; investigation; war; export
281Manuel du négociant français en Chine: ou, commerce de la Chine considéré au point de vue français1846BookMontigny, M.C. deFrenchhandbook; trade; French; classification; description; goods; commodities
283Mail Carriers of China1940Journal articleFernandez, R.I.Englishpostal service; journal; communication;
341Memoirs of Robert Dollar 1921BookDollar, Robert, 1844-1932Englishautobiography; business; elite; power; Shanghai; steamship;
346Moviedom of Manchoukuo1939Journal articleChang Shao-sungEnglishentertainment; leisure; movie; film; Manchuria; propaganda; Japanese; war
369Manual of Chinese products1933BookWilliams, C. A. SEnglishmanual; classification; taxonomy; commodities; custom; consumption; materials
372Membership Campaign of the Shanghai Consumers' Cooperative Society1926Journal articleEnglishconsumer; association; organization; cooperative; Shanghai; picture; elite; group; campaign; meeting; Chinese; store
376Miao Explains Inspection of Export Commodities at Weekly Rotary Meet1931Journal articleEnglishtesting; bureau; commodity; raw silk; food; inspection; expert; import; export; egg; animal; standard; Shanghai; Tianjin; Qingdao; Hankou; Guangdong; Rotary; club
384Muddled Money Situation Explained by U.S. Department of Commerce Expert1931Journal articleBratter, H.M (U.S. Department of Commerce)Englishexpert; United States; Department of Commerce; silver; trade; purchasing power; consumer
431Meter Inspection. To the Editor of the "North-China Daily News"1922Journal articleKANN, N.SEnglishconsumer; electricity; public amenities; resident; opinion; meter; inspection; Shanghai
467Manchuli (Manzhouli) Once Prosperous Now a Dead Town1924Journal articleBarung, E.U.EnglishManchuria; Manzhouli; war; Japanese; Russian; banditry; shop; town; bankruptcy;
468Manufacturing Tea by Machinery in China1924Journal articleHo Chieh-ShiangEnglishtea; manufacture; photograph; biography; mecanization; color; smell; sense; Zhejiang; China
474Mapping the Rural Community1924Journal articleChiao Chi MingEnglishmapping; meat; missionary; rural; consumer; diet; food; China;
502Manchuria's Golden Fleece1925Journal articleKerby, PhilipEnglishfieldwork; survey; agriculture; sheep; wool; tribe; fact; export; war; buying power; science; standard; photograph; railway; company; Japanese; Manchuria; China; Canada
506Making Canton Independent of Hongkong1925Journal articleRICH, Raymond T.Englisheconomic; independence; port; Guangdong; Hongkong; China;
517Machinery And Its Effect Upon Auto workers1925Journal articleREITELL, CharlesEnglishautomobile; labor; machine; expert; business school; university; statistics; table; United States;
783Men and manners of modern China1912BookMacgowan, JohnEnglishtravel guide; China; Shanghai; men;
911Mrs. Young Prefers to Teach. Principal of Secondary School Would Guide Young People1935Journal articleAh Huna TongEnglishreturned student; women; education; science; teaching; Y.W.C.A.; Shanghai; China; United States;
954Makers of new China in college in America1923BookChinese Students' Christian Association in North AmericaEnglishUnited States; mission; student;
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