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printID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
44Raid Impression. Few soldiers Killed During Chungking Bombings1939Journal articleAnonymousEnglishwar, raid, Chungking, Crow, solider, interview
70Review of Lamson, Herbert Day, Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family1934Journal articleHolcombe, A.N.Englishreview, sociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, deficiency, public hea
71Review of Lamson, Herbert Day, Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family1935Journal articleBurgess, J. StewartEnglishreview, political, science, sociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, de
72Review of Lamson, Herbert Day, Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family1934Journal articleStephan, Frederick F.Englishreview, sociology, social, survey, statistical, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, deficienc
73Review of Lamson, Herbert Day, Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family1935Journal articleDai, BinghamEnglishreview, sociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, de
74Review of Lamson, Herbert Day, Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family1938Journal articleR., P.M.Englishreview, geography, sociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, de
215Registration of China Commercial Advertising Company (HK)1960Journal articleEnglishLing; CCAA; Hongkong; registration
261Recent Population Changes in China1938Journal articleChao, Ch'eng-HsinEnglishsocial sciences; social survey; population; statistics; fact;
275Revised import tariff for the trade of China (31st October 1902)BookChinese Imperial Maritime CustomsEnglishcustom; trade; import; tariff; classification; bilingual
286Rambles Round Shanghai 1905BookKahler, William R., M.J.I., M.S.A.EnglishShanghai; city; journal; editor; advertising; obituary; market; report; notice; navigation; price; subscription; photograph; illustration;
291Report on the Survey and Prospects of a Railway between Hankow and Canton under the Concession by the Chinese Government to the American China Development Company 1899BookParsons, William Barclay, 1859-1932Englishgovernment; railway; intercity; Hankou; Canton; company; survey; engineer; development; american; sketch; expert; expertise; cost; population; geography; commerce
310Report on Trade Conditions in China1906BookBurrill, Harry R. and Rayond F. CristEnglishtrade; report; business; United States; region; city; transportation;
442Ratepayers' Meeting. Council Supported Throughout: No Traffic Commission. No Band Reduction1923Journal articleEnglishShanghai Municipal Council; ratepayer; society; club; waterworks; traffic; budget; Shanghai
462Retail Outlets For Chinese Goods in the U.S. 1924Journal articleScholz, Emil M.Englishadvertising; retailing; export; consumer; quality; price; newspaper; space; women; Chinese exporter; Chinese retailer; American consumer; United States
472Recent history of the Salt Administration1924Journal articleEnglishsalt; administration; institution; district; production; consumption; inspection; table; figure; China;
524Rotary Club Handbook (The Pagoda)1940BookRotary Club of Shanghai, ChinaEnglishclub; elite; American; Chinese; Europe; photograph; occupation; address; directory; handbook; rules; membership; history; Shanghai; China; Rotary
654Rycena Milled Wheat Grains. The New Food To Supplement The Rice RationBookRycena Food Products Pty. Ltd. (Melbourne, Australia)Englisheducational; cooking; food; relief; rice; pamphlet; postwar; visual; Australia; China;
684Roster of members 1936BookChina Masonic LodgeEnglishorganization; Shanghai; China; directory; lodge; masonic; university; elite; secret society;
685Roster of Members, Officers, Committees. July 19371937BookRotary Club of PekingEnglishdirectory; rotary; club; Beijing; China;
794Review of The Directory and Chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, Malay States, Siam, Netherlands India, Borneo, the Philippines etc. for the Year 1916; The China Year Book 1916 by H. T. Montague Bell and H. G. W.Woodhead1917Journal articleDewall, Wolf v.Englishdirectory; review; wartime; WWI;
802Rural Beauties Marred by Ugly Hoardings - Auto Club's Protest - Should the Council Prohibit Erection Boards Around Rubicon?1924Journal articleEnglishaesthetics; billboard; landscape; Carl Crow; Auto Club; foreign settlement; International Settlement; Shanghai; Western district; residential;
804Roster of Members, Officers, Committees. July 1937. No. 18141937Journal articleRotary Club of Peking, ChinaEnglishRotary ; club ; Beijing ; elite ; service ; network ; transnational ; editor ; roster; directory ; profit; meeting; event; membership;
818Royal Theater at Bangkok to get largest Neon Sign in World1932Journal articleEnglishaesthetics; self-advertising; neon; city; light; color; Claude; gigantism; spectacle; cinema; record; Bangkok; transnational; Asia; monopoly; circulation; cooperation; United States; artist; authorship
843Rotary: The Remarkable Organization which Celebrated its Anniversary this Week1922Journal articleEnglishRotary; club; organization; transnational; network; elite; Shanghai; anniversary; history; membership; profession; community; convention; service; companionship; information; knowledge; meeting; speech; magazine; rotation; ethics; standards; motto; statis
855Rapid Relief Measures: Japanese Consul-General's Recapitulation of Government Work1923Journal articleEnglishRotary; club; meeting; organization; transnational; network; elite; Shanghai; Japan; consul; relief; earthquake; tiffin
903Returned Student and Their Relationship to the Church1919Journal articleEnglishreturned student; women; Shanghai; organization; club; Y.W.C.A.; church;
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