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printID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
3The Essentials of Advertising1921BookBlanchard, Frank Le RoyEnglishadvertising, handbook, essential, america
5Engraving and printing methods, advertisement illustration, technical- and trade-paper advertising, street-car advertising, outdoor advertising, house publications 1909BookInternational Textbook CompanyEnglishhandbook, advertising, engraving, printing, street car, trade-paper, outdoor, house, technical, illustration, method
6Advertising methods in Japan, China, and the Philippines 1921BookSanger, J.Englishadvertising, report, method, China, Japan, Philippines, commerce, department, washington, special, agent,
7Four hundred million customers  the experiences -- some happy, some sad, of an American in China, and what they taught him 1937BookCrow, CarlEnglishadvertising, customers, million, experience, China, Crow

Advertising: Its principles, practice, and technique

1914BookStarch, DanielEnglishadvertising, principles, handbook, america

广告学 (Guanggao xue)

1946Book吴铁声 (WU Tiesheng), 朱胜愉 (ZHU Shengyu)Chinesehandbook, advertising, china, psychology

The psychology of advertising. A simple exposition of the principles of psychology in their relation to successful advertising,

1913BookScott, Walter DillEnglishadvertising, psychology, handbook, application, practical, successful

广告学概论 (Guanggao xue gailun) [Principles of advertising]

1929Book苏上达 (SU Shangda)Chineseadvertising, handbook, principles, china, medium, campaign, economy

广告学ABC (Guanggao ABC)

1928Book蒯世勋 (KUAI Shixun)ChineseAdvertising, handbook, china

广告 (Guanggao)

1940Book陆梅僧 (LU Meiseng)Chineseadvertising, handbook, practical, professional, China, shanghai, illustration
18History of the Chinese Press (中國報學史 Zhonguo baoxue shi) 1919Book戈公振 (Ge Gongzhen), 胡道静 (Hu Daojing)Chinesehistory, journalism, china

Outdoor, street-car, and radio advertising

1936BookHoyle, John T.Englishadvertising, handbook, outdoor, street-car, radio

Outdoor Advertising -- the Modern Marketing Force: A Manual for business Men and Others Interested in the Fundamentals of Outdoor Advertising

1928BookOutdoor Advertising Association of America, Inc.Englishadvertising, handbook, outdoor, association, modern, business

How to advertise a guide to designing, laying out, and composing advertisements

1917BookFrench, GeorgeEnglishhandbook, advertising, printed, design, layout, composition, technical
37China Publishers' Directory: a practical guide to newspapers and periodicals for China advertisers1934BookChina Commercial Advertising Agency 中國華商廣告公司Englishadvertising, advertisement, advertiser, directory, publisher, newspaper, periodical, province, interwar, circulation, size, type, page
48Newspaper directory of China (including Hongkong) & advertising manual: an annual data book and technical record for all newspapers and periodicals in China1937BookCarl Crow, Inc.Englishadvertising, advertisement, advertiser, annual, data, directory, handbook, manual, newspaper, periodical, record, China, Hongkong, interwar
49Newspaper directory of China (including Hongkong)1935BookCarl Crow, Inc.Englishadvertising, advertisement, advertiser, newspaper, China, Hongkong, interwar
50Newspaper directory of China (including Hongkong) with check list of newspapers and periodicals published in Japan, Chosen, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Siam, Singapore and Federated Malay states1931BookCarl Crow, Inc.Englishadvertising, advertisement, advertiser, newspaper, periodical, China, Hongkong, Japan, Chosen, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Siam, Singapore, Malay, interwar
55Japan and America: A Contrast1916BookCarl CrowEnglishAmerica, Japan, contrast, war, Crow
56I Speak for the Chinese1937BookCarl CrowEnglishChina, Japan, war, Crow
57The Chinese Are Like That1938BookCarl CrowEnglishChina, friend, Japan, war, Crow
58My Friends the Chinese1938BookCarl CrowEnglishChina, friend, Japan, war, Crow
59Foreign Devils in the Flowery Kingdom1940BookCarl CrowEnglishChina, foreign, war, Crow
60Meet the South Americans1940BookCarl CrowEnglishSouth, Latin, America, war, Crow
61Master Kung: The Story of Confucius1940BookCarl CrowEnglishChina, philosophy, Confucius, biography, war, Crow
62Japan’s Dream of World Empire: The Tanaka Memorial1942BookCarl CrowEnglishChina, Japan, memorial, war, Crow
63The Great American Customer1943BookCarl CrowEnglishAmerica, customer, war, Crow
64China Takes Her Place1944BookCarl CrowEnglishChina, war, Crow
65The City of Flint Grows Up1945BookCarl CrowEnglishCity, story, Crow
66The Long Road Back to China: The Burma Road Wartime Diaries1944BookCarl CrowEnglishBurma, China, autobiography, diary, war, Crow
69Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family1934BookLamson, Herbert DayEnglishsociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, deficiency, public health, mar
75Peking: a social survey conducted under auspices of the Princeton University Center in China and the Peking Young Men's Christian Association1921BookGamble, Sidney, David, Burgess, John StewartEnglishsociology, social, survey, Peking, China, Princeton, YMCA
76Newspaper directory of China (including Hongkong) 1933BookCarl Crow, Inc.Englishadvertising, advertiser, newspaper, periodical, China, Hongkong, interwar
77The Travelers' Handbook for China (including Hongkong)1921BookCarl CrowEnglishadvertising; travel; handbook; guidebook; tourist; China; Hongkong; America; map; plan; illustration; image;
78The Travelers' Handbook for China1913BookCarl CrowEnglishadvertising; advertisement; business; travel; handbook; guidebook; tourist; China; America; map; plan; illustration; image;
99Who's who of American returned students [Youmei tongxue lu: minguo liunian]1917BookQinghua University [Qinghua daxue]Chinese, Englishbilingual; directory; Beijing; Qinghua; university; student; United States; translation; information; wartime; WWI;
100The revival in Manchuria1910BookWebster, JamesEnglishManchuria; history; revival; mission
101Peking Who's Who1922BookRamsay, AlexEnglishdirectory; peking; biography; business
104Analysis of strikes in China, from 1918 to 19261918BookChen, Da (1892-?)Englishstrike; analysis; government; information; bureau
105China as It really is1912BookResident of PekingEnglishPeking; Resident; observation; description; China;
106North China Farming and Stock-Raising Corporation. Prospectus1920BookNorth China Farming and Stock-Raising CorporationEnglishAgriculture; farming; stock; raising; corporation; company; prospectus; advertising; Beijing; North; China; expert
108Economic History of Manchuria1920BookChosŏn Ŭnhaeng; Hoshino, TokujiEnglishManchuria; Japan; economic; history; bank; Chosen; Korea; research; department
109Manchuria, land of opportunities; illustrated from photographs with diagrams and maps1922BookMinami Manshū Tetsudō Kabushiki Kaisha; Logan, Thomas F., Inc., New YorkEnglishManchuria; land; opportunity; railway; transportation; Japan; United States
110China. Social and Economic Conditions 1912BookAmerican Academy of Political and Social ScienceEnglishChina; social; economic; condition; description; United States; association; political; science; mission; religion; reconstruction; government; Manchuria; medicine; commerce; geography; resource; value; girl; everyday; life;
111The Japan year book. Complete Encyclopaedia of general information and statistics on Japan and the Japanese territories1905BookTakenobu, Yoshitaro (1863?-1930)Englishyear; book; Japan; territory; Manchuria;
112The Call of the East. Sketches from the History of the Irish mission to Manchuria1919BookO'Neill, Frederick William Scott (1870-1946)Englishmission; presbyterian; Manchuria;
115China Times Guide to Tientsin and neighbourhood1908BookSt. John, BurtonEnglishGuide; Tientsin; neighborhood;
116Map and Short description of Tientsin1900BookDrake, Noah Fields (b. 1864)EnglishTientsin; guide; map; description
117Fur and Feather in North China1914BookSowerby, Arthur de Carle (1885-?)EnglishNorth; China; natural; history; fur; feather; resource;
118In the uttermost East; being an account of investigations among the natives and Russian convicts of the island of Sakhalin, with notes of travel in Korea, Siberia, and Manchuria1904BookHawes, Charles Henry (1867-1943)Englishinvestigation; Far East; native; Siberia; Manchuria; Korea; Russia; island; travel
119Christies Peking directoryBookEnglishPeking; directory
120List of the subsidiary companies and the affiliated enterprises of the South Manchuria Railway Company (March 15th, 1935)1935BookMinami Manshū Tetsudō Kabushiki KaishaEnglishlist; directory; subsidiary; company; affiliate; south; railway; Manchuria; Japan;
121The Orient Year Book1934BookEnglishdirectory; year; book; business; biography; Japan; Orient;
122The New Japan Year Book1915BookThe New Japan Publishing Co.Englishdirectory; year; book; statistics; Japan; China; Manchuria;
123Japan-Manchoukuo Year Book1933BookJapan-Manchoukuo Year Book Co.Englishdirectory; year; book; statistics; business; biography; Japan; China; Manchuria; Mandchoukuo
124The Japan times Year Book1932BookJapan Times & MailEnglishdirectory; year; book; statistics; business; biography; Japan; China; Manchuria;
125Peking Utility Book1921BookEnglishdirectory; utility; woman; mother; club; college; Peking; book; advertisement; advertising
126Peking Utility Book1937BookPeiping International Women's ClubEnglishdirectory; utility; woman; club; international; Peking; book; war
127The Peiping (Peking) Shopping Guide1936BookThomsen, F.H.L.EnglishPeking; shopping; guide; shop; list; map; directory; street; index; glossary; list; bilingual
128Guide to "Peking"1935BookThe Peiping ChronicleEnglishPeking; guide; chronicle
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