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printID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
69Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family1934BookLamson, Herbert DayEnglishsociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, deficiency, public health, mar
140Seen At Ling Cocktail 1936Journal articleAnonymousEnglishcocktail; party; sky; terrace; park: hotel; artist; greeting; Australia;
284Shanghai of the Future 1927Journal articleSowerby, Arthur De CarleEnglishShanghai; city; future; time;
326Story of Shanghai: From the Opening of the Port to Foreign Trade1889BookMacLellan, J.W.EnglishShanghai; city; history; trade; foreign
350Science and Civilisation in China1974BookNeedham, JosephEnglishscience; technology; China; civilization; history;
378Shanghai Vocational Guidance Society1931Journal articleEnglishconsumer; cooperative; job; intermediary; organization; market work; professional; unemployment; accountant; office;
380Social Association of Business Men Inaugurated1925Journal articleEnglishbusiness; organization; transnational; German; Chinese; club; consumer; export; foreign; inauguration; picture; men; Shanghai
388Shanghai's buying power1921Journal articleEnglishconsumer; buying power; cost of living; retailing; luxury; habit; consumption; cosmetics; sport; price; saving; depression; prosperity; season; average; woman; recycling; duration; rhythm; Shanghai; enquiry; survey; community; immigration; foreign;
446Shanghai Milk Supply. The Problem of Dairies Beyond Settlement Limits1923Journal articleEnglishChina; Shanghai; milk supply; dairy; International Settlement; disease; hygiene; health; safety; customer; consumer; license;
460Shanghai's Milk Supply1924Journal articleEnglishdairy; milk; pure; public health; commission; hygiene; safety; quality; grade; standard; consumption; consumer; adulteration; price; China; Shanghai
464Shanghai Harbour's Great Need1924Journal articleEnglishharbor; traffic; trade; flood; trade; export; consumer; investigation; engineer; committee; expert; Shanghai; Qingdao; Yantai; China
471Shredded Wheat Advertising1924Journal articleEnglishadvertising; wheat; consumer; distribution; national; United States
489Strange Plight of Chinese Tea. Sky-Rocketing Prices for the Indian Variety but the China Leaf Stagnant. Position of the British Consumer1925Journal articleForm Our Own Correspondent in LondonEnglishtea; quality; variety; price; standard; consumption; consumer; taste; competition; association; China; India; Great Britain;
491Supply of Electricity to Power Consumers Cut Off. Essential Services and All Food Undertakings Not Affected. Chapei Power Continued on Pledge to Observe Same Conditions. Case of Necessity not Retaliation. 1925Journal articlePearson, C.D.Englishpublic utilities; electricity supply; shortage; food; consumer; necessity; service; emergency; strike; Zhabei; International Settlement; Shanghai
513Shopping about Town with Jeanette1925Journal articleEnglishshopping; news; supplement; periodical; consumer; information; advertisement; women; personification; image; recipe; city; street; shop; Shanghai; China
532Salient Facts About China1926BookArnold, Julean (American Commercial Attache)EnglishChina; Shanghai; United States; commercial attache; fact; organization; welfare; men; women;
533Salient Facts In China's Trade1927BookArnold, Julean (American Commercial Attache)EnglishChina; Shanghai; United States; commercial attache; fact; trade;
534Sales Territories in China1927BookMoser, Charles K. (Chief, Far Eastern Section, Division of Regional Information)EnglishChina; Shanghai; United States; sales; space; information
646Shopping News1941PeriodicalEnglishshopping:women; Shanghai:advertisement; war;
695Shanghai Journal of Commerce 上海總商會月報 (Shanghai zongshanghui yue bao)PeriodicalChinese General Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai 上海總商會 (Shanghai zongshanghui)Chinesejournal; chamber of commerce; Shanghai; advertisement; photograph; elite;
701Social Research Department. First Annual Rport 1927BookChina Foundation for the Promotion of Education and CultureEnglishcooperation; elite; foundation; social survey; social research; fieldworkd; Beijing; China; United States;
719Semi-monthly economic journal 工商半月刊 (Gongshang banyuekan)1929Journal articleChinesejournal; information; fortnightly; advertisement; government agency; bureau; trade; economic; statistics;
720Semi-monthly economic journal 工商半月刊 (Jingji banyuekan)PeriodicalChinesejournal; information; fortnightly; advertisement; government agency; bureau; trade; economic; statistics;
721Semi-monthly economic journal 工商半月刊 (Gongshang banyuekan)1935Journal articleChinesejournal; information; fortnightly; advertisement; government agency; bureau; trade; economic; statistics;
722Semi-monthly economic journal 工商半月刊 (Gongshang banyuekan)1936Journal articleChinesejournal; information; fortnightly; advertisement; government agency; bureau; trade; economic; statistics;
723Semi-monthly economic journal 工商半月刊 (Gongshang banyuekan)1932Journal articleChinesejournal; information; fortnightly; advertisement; government agency; bureau; trade; economic; statistics;
770Streets of Shanghai : a history in itself1941BookGordon, A.H.EnglishShanghai; city guide; China; street; urban history;
791State Department duty in China, the McCarthy Era, and after, 1933-1977: oral history transcript and related material1977BookService, John S.; Levenson, Rosemary; Fairbank, John K.;EnglishAmericanization; China; United States; biography; communism; interview; oral history; expert;
792Small Me. A story of Shanghai Life1922BookRodyenko, Rudinger de; Sergius, Stephen PieroEnglishChina; biography; missionary; United States; fiction;
793Shanghai National Loan Exhibition Hall, 19th Anniversary 上海市国贷陈列馆十九年年刊 (Shanghaishi guodai chenlie guan shijiunian niankan)1930Bookexhibition; nationalism; Republican China; Shanghai; year book; map; guohuo yundong;
826Shanghai. A handbook for travellers and residents1904BookDarwent, Charles Ewart (Rev.)Englishguide; cityguide; handbook; travel; illustration; photograph; Shanghai; tourist;
827Shanghai. A handbook for travellers and residents1911BookDarwent, Charles Ewart (Rev.)Englishguide; cityguide; handbook; travel; illustration; photograph; Shanghai; tourist; advertisement
828Shanghai. A handbook for travellers and residents1920BookDarwent, Charles Ewart (Rev.)Englishguide; cityguide; handbook; travel; illustration; photograph; Shanghai; tourist; index; advertisement;
829Sketches in and around Shanghai1894BookClark, J. D.Englishtravel; note; description; customs; Shanghai; signboard; sound; sense;
830Streets of Shanghai. A history in itself1941BookGordon, A. H.Englishguide; map; advertisement; street; Shanghai; urban; city; wartime; WWII
844Shanghai Rotarians At World Convention. Los Angeles for Thirteenth Annual Meeting 1922Journal articleEnglishRotary; club; organization; transnational; network; elite; Shanghai; anniversary; history; membership; profession; community; convention; service; delegation; constitution; national; international; mass event; distance; journey; board of directors;
897Statistics of Sino-Japanese Trade (book review)1933Journal articleEnglishstatistics; classification; publishing company; economics; Japan; Manchuria; Sino-Japanese war; commodities; trade; import; export; chart; figure; research institute; academic society; customs;
914Social Service Institute1921Journal articleEnglishreturned student; education; home; campaign; experiment; women; Y.W.C.A.; Shanghai; China;
938Shanghai nihongdeng zhizhao ye -- Shanghai gongshangye gaikuang zhi sishiyi 上海霓紅燈製造業 -- 上海工商業概況之四十一  (Situation of Industry and Commerce in Shanghai, no.41 - Neon light industry)1936Journal articleZhongguo zhengxinsuo 中國徵信所 (China Credit Bureau)Chineseneon; industry; investigation; credit; bureau; Shanghai; report;
949Shadow shapes: Memoirs of a Chinese student in America1928BookChao, Thomas Ming-hengEnglishnovel; memoir; returned student; United States;
962Seventeeth Report1948BookChina Foundation for the Promotion of Education and CultureChinese, Englishacademic; biology; bonds; Boxer Indemnity; education; fellowship; foundation; geology; liumei; memorial; research; securities; United States;
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