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printID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
198Battle of Motor Giants Predicted as Spring Issue1927Journal articleWhitcomb, WilliamsEnglishautomobile; Ford; competition; rumor
308Banking and Prices in China 1905BookEdkins, Joseph, 1823-1905Englishbank; business; economics; market; missionary
315Brief Historical Survey of the China Tea Trade 1941Journal articleKing, C.C.Englishfood; beverage; tea; history; industry; commerce; photograph
318Beverages of the Chinese; Kung-fu or Tauist Medical Gymnastics; the Population of China; A Modern Chinese Anatomist and A Chapter in Chinese Surgery1895BookDudgeon, John, 1871-1955Englishbeverage; tea; population; body; taoism; medicine; science; modernity; illustration
375Bureau to Probe Trade Relations. Newly Organized Body to Make Study of Commerce1931Journal articleEnglishtrade; bureau; private; organization; Japanese; investigation; inspection; data; locality; price; psychology; consumer; department; elite; businessmen; headquarter; Shanghai;
397Better Oceanic Communication for Tientsin1920Journal articleTong, Hollington K.Englishcommunication; transportation; maritime; Tianjin; elite; expert; conservancy board;
447British Chamber of Commerce. Annual General Meeting: Review of the Year. Important Questions of Policy1923Journal articleEnglishChina; Shanghai; chamber of commerce; British; club; meeting; piece goods; shipping; harbor; taxation; customs
453Brush Manufacturing1924Journal articleBolton, W.H.Englishtoothbrush; commodities; biography; manufacture; consumer; education; hygiene; photograph; plant; water tower; China; Shanghai;
478Biographies of Prominent Chinese1925BookBurt A.R., J.B. Powell and Carl Crow (ed.)Englishbiography; Chinese; Shanghai; Crow; Powell; Missouri; American; journalism; publishing;
496British Trade With China. Interesting Address by Mr. Archibald Rose. How Wars Interfere with Commerce. The New Machinery of Distribution and Awakening of Businessmen1925Journal articleForm Our Own Correspondent (London)Englishcommercial attache; expert; trade; British; distribution; war; China; Shanghai; International Settlement; model settlement
501Business Opportunities1925Journal articleEnglishinquiry; business; consumer; importer; producer; metal; tobacco; construction; oil; refrigerator; paper; electrical; hair; foodstuff; goods; service; broker; market investigation; commodities; classification; connection; multinational; local; consulate; United States; China; Shang
507Business Opportunities1925Journal articleEnglishinquiry; catalog; business; consumer; producer; association; tobacco; commodities; radio; milk; canned goods; ; connection; multinational; local; trade commissioner; United States; China; Shanghai
521Boycotting Canton1925Journal articleEnglishboycott; supply; oil; company; tax; consumer; Guangdong; China
618Bulletin de l'Université l'Aurore1947Journal articleUniversité L'AuroreFrenchjesuit; university; French; expert; bamboo; Shanghai
708Booming the China Trade1928Journal articleKlein, Julius, Director of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic CommerceEnglishChina; United States; trade report; information; Shanghai
812Bruno Schwartz's Resignation (Men and Events)1931Journal articleEnglishneon; light; Claude; United States; Shanghai; resignation; manager; journalism; newspaper; Hankou; Europe; circulation; negotiation;
834British Commerce and China. Appeal for Greater Enterprise: The Need of Encouraging Chinese Students1921Journal articleEnglishRotary; club; organization; transnational; network; elite; Shanghai; education; British; London; commerce; scholarship: Boxer indemnity; vocational; incentive; comparison; United States; England; diplomacy; interventionism; peace; colonization;
839Birds and Beasts and Fishes1922Journal articleEnglishRotary; club; organization; transnational; network; elite; Shanghai; speech; natural history; fundraising; museum; library; art gallery; data; research
847Biography of Dr. Way-Sung New 牛惠生 [Niu Huisheng] (Dr.)1923Book chapterH.W.Englishbiography; doctor; medicine; association; United States; returned student; elite; Rotary; Shanghai; Beijing; Rockefeller Foundation; fellowship; specialization; professional; orthopedy; club; photograph;
848Biography of Von-Fong LAM 林允方 [Lin Yunfang]1923Book chapterK.L.KEnglishbiography; association; United States; returned student; elite; Rotary; Shanghai; specialization; engineer; naval; club; photograph; Hoover; architect; advisor; Canton
908Biography of Wang Zhongwu 王仲武 [Wang Chung-wu]1941Book chapterEnglishbiography; elite; Rotary; Nanjing; Chongqing; war; statistics; economics; society; research; university; publication; committee; thesis;
930Bus-Stop Signs of New Design Erected Locally1929Journal articleEnglishpillar; bus stop; illuminated; Art Picture Advertising Company; Bund; tourism; Shanghai; convenience; circulation; traffic; night;
944Bulletin1926BookChina Institute in America, IncorporatedEnglishfoundation; United States; exhibition
945Bulletin1926BookChina Institute in America, IncorporatedEnglishUnited States; exposition; foundation; photograph;
946Bulletin1927BookChina Institute in America, IncorporatedEnglishUnited States; foundation;
963Bulletin1928BookChina Institute in America, IncorporatedEnglishUnited States;
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