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printID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
56I Speak for the Chinese1937BookCarl CrowEnglishChina, Japan, war, Crow
118In the uttermost East; being an account of investigations among the natives and Russian convicts of the island of Sakhalin, with notes of travel in Korea, Siberia, and Manchuria1904BookHawes, Charles Henry (1867-1943)Englishinvestigation; Far East; native; Siberia; Manchuria; Korea; Russia; island; travel
259Inauguration of the Consumer's League of Shanghai1932Journal articleConsumer's League of ShanghaiEnglishconsumer; association; price; Shanghai; service;
262Intensive and Extensive Methods of Observing the Personality-Culture Manifold1938Journal articleLasswell, Harold D.Englishsocial sciences; social survey; population; statistics; fact; observation; personality;
309Importance of the Paper Industry 1929Journal articleKyi, Z.T.Englishbusiness; economy; industry; paper; material;
329Illustrated Guide Book for Travelling in Manchoukuo with Sketch Map 1934BookSouth Manchuria Railway CompanyEnglishcity; Manchuria; Japan; railway; guide; history; travel; booklet; illustration; maps
330Industrial Future of Shansi Province1913Journal articleCorbin, Paul L.Englishindustry; province; future; Shanxi
436Improving China's Cotton (photographic report)1923Journal articleSmith, GeorgeEnglishChinaman; expert; documentary; photograph; adulteration; quality; association; research; agriculture; living standard; daily life; cotton; textile; clothing; market; university; student; Nanjing; Beijing; Shandong; United States;
531International Economic Co-Operation in China1928BookWu, Ding-Chang, HanlinEnglishBeijing; China; United States; cooperation; economic; elite;
650International Economic Co-Operation in China1929BookWu, Ding-Chang, HanlinEnglishBeijing; China; United States; cooperation; economic; elite;
741Indusco NewsPeriodicalEnglishChina; Hong Kong; industry; cooperative; bulletin; information; photograph; lecture; education; training; war
742Indusco BulletinPeriodicalEnglishChina; United States; industry; cooperative; bulletin; information; photograph; war; aid;
787Indiscreet Letters From Peking: Being the Notes of an Eye-Witness, Which Set Forth in Some Detail, from Day to Day, the Real Story of the Siege and Sack of a Distressed Capital in 1900 - The Year of Great Tribulation1907BookWeale, B. L. PutnamEnglishnarrative; foreigner; Beijing; event; letter; biography; elite;
909Industrial Section Report1939Journal articleEnglishreport; engineer; index; industrial accident; statistics; wage; worker; age; cost of living; purchasing power; Chinese Statistical Society; Shanghai Municipal Council; Shanghai; China; war;
941Impressions of Shanghai1931Journal articleEnglishmutograph; civilization; Orient; Paris; night; advertising; Race course; entertainment; Shanghai Volunteer Corps;
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