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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

2013Dance floor of the Paramount Dancing Hall19321932-1949


34295Dense traffic on Szechuen Road bridge1945-1949

34426Daily life in a lilong1920-1935

34439Double-decker bus advertising "Aspro" on Nanking Road in the 1930s19301930

34461Ding Feng store: Storefront with advertisements for sandalwood and longan19491949

34464Da Jing Chou Duan Ju fabric store 大經綢綬局 (dajingchoushouju)19491949

34747Dealer in household goods, pottery and kitchen utensils in Beijing

34861Dunlop Rubber Company

34937Demonstration use of Caterpillar tractors Tuesday 29 March 1932

34938Demonstration use of Caterpillar tractors Tuesday 29 March 1932

34939Demonstration use of Caterpillar tractors Tuesday 29 March 1932

34970Dong Chong Cycle & Motor Co.Monday 26 October 1931

34974Depot of the China Household Removing Co. Monday 26 October 1931

35061Dong Chong Cycle and Motor Co. (Chinese)1931

35062Dong Chong Cycle and Motor Company (Chinese)1931

35107Discharge of American flour from ship in Tianjin

35109Discharge of American flour from ship in Tianjin

35110Discharge of American flour from ship in Tianjin

35111Delivery of an American Caterpillar crawler tractor in Tianjin

35119Display of American leather in China1930

35138DC-2 airplane carried from steamer at Shanghai Airplanes ExpositionTuesday 27 October 1936

35181Directors of the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank (?)1932
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