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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

2043Hongkew market19151915-1939

2113Hongkew Market (Hongkou) (Aerial view)19201920-1939

25347Heavy traffic on the Bund in front of the Jardine Matheson buildingDecember 1948

34296Huangzi style shopsign for an optician in Shanghai in 19321932

34381Hoardings advertising movies and cigarette in the French Concession October 19321932

34446Hoardings advertising movies and cigarette in the French Concession October 19321932

34539Hongkew District Circle19301930-1940

34748Haberdashery dealer in Beijing

34783Hand-drawn trucks transporting cotton goods in Tianjin

34807Hand roller in street, Russians working on roads at KalganTuesday 8 April 1930

34911Hall & Holtz department store

34933Honigsberg & Co. Service Station1932

35018Horse Bazar and Motor Company1931

35067Honigsberg & Co. garage next to the Foreign Y.M.C.A. headquartersSunday 8 September 1929

35085Honigsberg & Company garage next to the Foreign Y.M.C.A. headquartersMay 1929

35133Heating apparatus of a Chinese house1932

35187Honigsberg's service station1931
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