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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

35447Lu Meiseng 陸梅僧

35446Lu Meiseng 陸梅僧

35444Ronnie Ling at Kam Fan Awards, Hong Kong2014

35434Advertising American cigarettes1919

35433Metropol Theatre 大上海戯院1930

35432Metropol Theatre 大上海戯院, by day1930

35431Metropol Theatre 大上海戯院, by night1930

35430Shanghai (China), one of several aerial views of city

35429Clock towers of Shanghai

35428Shanghai Horse Bazaar Motor Company (outside view)Post 1921

35425Texaco Sign

35424Canadian Pacific Neon Sign

35423The Big Ben of the Far East

35308The Rotary Club of Shanghai: The new board of directorsApril 1932

35295Chinese delegation at the National Merchandise Fair

35294Taylor Garage1931

35293Assembly line of an American truckWednesday 2 September 1931

35241Alonzo Bland Calder1928-05-00

35237Trade Commissioner A. Bland Calder, Shanghai, China1928-05-00

35236Calder and the staff of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Shanghai Office1928

35235Winter's day on the Bund1933-03-00

35234Winter in Shanghai1933-03-00

35233Winter in Shanghai1933-03-00

35232Winter in Shanghai1933-03-00

35214Billboard advertising Sun-Maid raisins

35213Terraced rice fields1929-1931

35212Field of soya bean in ManchuriaSaturday 18 April 1931

35211Sun-dried fruits on trays1929

35210Loading flour on junks, Chingpu (Qingpu)1929-1931

35209Chinese fishermen in an urban settingFriday 25 September 1931

35208Meat peddler1929-1931

35207Meat peddler1929-1931

35206Meat peddler stand1929-1931

35205Meat peddler1929-1931

35204Fruit stall in BeijingFriday 25 September 1931

35203Gas station and peddler in TianjinFriday 25 September 1931

35202Coolies pulling a cartload of flour (North China)Friday 25 September 1931

35201Vegetable stand in a Beijing market

35200Farmers attending fair at the Litsun Experiment StationSaturday 8 November 1924

35199Kiu Sing Theater 九星戲院 (Jiuxing)1929-39

35198Guanghua Theater 光華戲院1929-39

35197Night view of the Huangjin Theater 黃金大戲院1929-39

35195Socony service station in ShanghaiMonday 26 October 1931

35194Texaco Company's delivery truck 1919

35193Office of Socony Oil Company in KirinMonday 27 July 1931

35192Shell service station in the French Concession1931

35191Socony service station at the Rotary Fair and Carnival in TianjinThursday 18 September 1930

35190Portion of Standard Oil plant along the Yangtze River1919

35189Camel carrying Texas Company's kerosene in North China1919

35188Garage in Shanghai1931

35187Honigsberg's service station1931

35186The new "Auto Castle", Shanghai agent for Fiat motor cars Thursday 9 July 1931

35185Socony filling station1932

35184American representative of a large oil company on a trip to the interior of China

35183Customs Gold Units Exchange Division of the Customs Bank1932

35182Customs Gold Unit Exchange Division of the Customs BankThursday 2 June 1932

35181Directors of the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank (?)1932

35180Banking department of the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank (?)1932

35179Banknote division of the Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank (?)1932

35178Main lobby of the Shanghai Commercial & Savings BankWednesday 30 March 1932
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