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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

34457Jewish shopsigns: Esco Universal Store19381938-1939

34458Jewish shopsigns: Boris Only Cash Cafe19381938-1939

34459Jewish shopsigns: Mitford ChemicalWorks, Nanking Pharmacy, Exquisite19381938-1939

34460Jewish shopsigns: Mr. Meyer's Broadway Store, Shanghai, China19381938-1939

34523Jardine Matheson's Silk Factory19101910-1912

34552Jewellers and commercial artists shopsigns on Nanking road19301930-1939

34581Jewish shopsigns on a commercial street19381938-1939

34831Junk on Huangpu River near Shanghai

34908Jardine Matheson, Inc. office building

34950Japanese Commercial Exhibition in Mukden (Shenyang)

34951Japanese Commercial Exhibition in Mukden (Shenyang) (inner view)

34952Japanese Commercial Exhibition in Mukden (Shenyang)
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