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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

1346Metropole Theater19251925-1945

26761Metropole Hotel under construction, Shanghai, August 1930Monday 11 August 1930

34380Mumm Cafe & Finnemore's Bar (right), in what appears to be the (in)famous "Blood Alley” 1930

34424Moving board advertising "Chocolat Menier" in the French concession (ca. 1920)19201920

34427Mildred Elizabeth "Betty" Crow

34435Missourians on watch towers of the Orient Sunday 14 June 1931

34436Metropole Hotel under construction, Shanghai, September 1930Monday 15 September 19301930

34463Mercury Radio Supply Co19491949

34521Military parade on a busy business street in pre-Republican Shanghai19061906

34545Mailbox at a street corner in Shanghai19301930

34578Metropole Hotel under construction, Shanghai, August 1930Monday 11 August 1930

34579Military parade on Szechuen Road (?)January 19481948

34726Mongolian caravan entering Kalgan1930

34772Method of storing ice, North China

34781Method of storing ice in North China1931

34808Main entrance gate to National Good Roads Exhibition, Shanghai 1931

34809Modern concrete road in FoochowTuesday 2 June 1931

34814Main administration building for Greater Shanghai's new civic center (model)Monday 29 June 1931

34821Moore's Memorial Church (Methodist church)

34828Musicians in a funeral procession

34926Maintenance work on the Shanghai-Minhang RoadFriday 30 January 19311931

35003Motor service Company showrooms for the Durant and Renault motorcars1931

35043Motor bus in Nanking1931

35047Motor bus1931

35093Motorcycle and cart in front of a Chinese shop1931

35127Mo Soo Tsai's residence

35173Managers' office of the Chung Fu Union Bank1932

35178Main lobby of the Shanghai Commercial & Savings BankWednesday 30 March 1932

35205Meat peddler1929-1931

35206Meat peddler stand1929-1931

35207Meat peddler1929-1931

35208Meat peddler1929-1931

35431Metropol Theatre 大上海戯院, by night1930

35432Metropol Theatre 大上海戯院, by day1930

35433Metropol Theatre 大上海戯院1930
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