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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 
143Nanking Road19301930-1939

520Newspaper salesboy19121912-1949

1369North China Daily News and Herald Tribune19001900-1920

1468North China Daily News19251925-1939

1874Nanking Road by night19301930-1937

1875Nanking Road by night19301930-1937

1877Nanking Road19341934-1937

1997News agencies plates19001900-1949

16401North China Daily News1907

19505Nanking Road, Shanghai, May-June 1925May 1925May-June 1925

25014Nine-curve bridge in Nanshi (Willow Tea House 上海豫园)1935

32737Night view of the Bund1935-1936

32738Night view of the famous Shanghai department stores 上海百貨公司之夜景1937

32812Night view of Nanking Road [postcard] 南京路夜景1930-1939

34418Nanking Road after the bombing of the Sincere Deparment StoreMonday 23 August 1937Monday 23 August 1937

34423Neon-light spectacular advertising Beehive woolen goodsSeptember 1938

34428Norris B. Wood (undated)

34448Nanking Road by night19301930

34453Nanking Road and the Cathay Hotel in the background19401940

34531Newspaper kiosk selling the "Time" and "Esquire" on a Shanghai streetSunday 1 June 19471947

34541Neon light advertising "Hennessy Brandy" on Nanking Road in 193619361936

34577Neon sign advetising Ford motor car above a tailor shopJanuary 19481948

34711New garage and show-rooms in course of construction at Shanghai, China for Anderson & Ferroggiarro1931

34811New motor road, Foochow

34848New engineering and shipbuilding works

34906Nanking Road

34920Nanyang Motor Supply Co. filling stationWednesday 20 January 1932

34931New apartment in construction Wednesday 20 January 19321932

34944Nanking Road

34978Nanking city motor bus

34980Nanking Motor Sales Co.

34984New foreign Y.M.C.A. building

34998Nanyang Motor Supply Company (Chinese)1931

35012New showrooms of the Horse Bazaar1931

35042Negotiating flooded streets in NankingSeptember 1931

35046Nanking Motor Bus Company bus stopping at a small station1931

35121Nagoya Hotel in Kirin (North China)Friday 27 February 1931

35131New apartments Wednesday 20 January 1932

35145Nanking Theater in course of construction 1930

35146Nanking Theater in course of construction 1930

35160Net weighing department of the Guangdong Raw Silk Testing Bureau in Canton1931-06-20

35165National City Bank building in course of construction Thursday 11 June 1931

35167National Bank of New York and China & South Sea Bank, Ltd., on Victoria Road in Tianjin1929

35168National City Bank building in Harbin (North Manchuria)Friday 1 November 1929

35197Night view of the Huangjin Theater 黃金大戲院1929-39
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