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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

34707Local fruits arriving by boat in Shanghai

34755Local dealers in confections on a street in Beijing

34762Local shop selling general merchandise at the Gandjur Fair at Hailar

34813Laying the cornerstone of the administration building in the new Civic Center

34956Latil buses operated by the French Tramways

34982Lowering the Admiral's car over the side of the S.S. PittsburgFriday 27 December 1929

34990Lee Lee Garage Company (Chinese)1931

34991Lee Lee Garage Company (Chinese)1931

35036Lee Lee Garage & Baychee Motor Car Company1931

35117Loading American leather on the Bund1930

35125Large sailing junk on the Hai River

35137Lumber yard1930

35210Loading flour on junks, Chingpu (Qingpu)1929-1931

35446Lu Meiseng 陸梅僧

35447Lu Meiseng 陸梅僧
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