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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

34374Omnibus advertisement in Shanghai ca. 1920s19201920

34724Old and new means of transportation 1930

34735Open air theater in Shen Kow1932

34770Old rubber tires stacked along the Tianjin Bund

34802Official Opening of the Good Roads Exhibition in ShanghaiSaturday 12 September 1931

34804One of the main thoroughfares in the city of Chungking

34833On the banks of the HuangpuThursday 10 March 1927

34850Office of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company

34896Outside view of Shanghai Commercial and Savings BankWednesday 30 March 1932

34979Old-type salesroom in Nanjing (?)

35019One of the eight Studebaker fire trucks of the Shanghai Fire Brigade Friday 29 August 1930

35193Office of Socony Oil Company in KirinMonday 27 July 1931
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