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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

33259Western section of Avenue Joffre1930-1949

34365Women looking at the spectacular billboards along the Racecourse in 1948January 1948January 1948

34370Wall Hoarding advertising Gibbs Castile Toilet Soap (㓗士香皂 Jieshi xiangzao) in 1948January 19481948

34375Wall Hoarding advertising Gibbs Castile Toilet Soap (㓗士香皂 Jieshi xiangzao) in 1948 (face)January 19481948

34376Wall hoarding advertising Guchiling toothpaste (固歯靈牙膏 Guchiling yagao) next to a Caltex service station in 1948January 19481948

34377Wall hoarding advertising Lux Toilet Soap (力士香皂 Lishixiangzao) and featuring American actress Jean Parker in 1948January 19481948

34425Wall posters (left) in a Chinese narrow street on a sunny (undated)1920

34450Wall billboards at the Wanchai Hennessy Road entrance in 1940s Hongkong 19401940

34520Workers for the Shanghai Electric Construction Co. Ltd. laying streetcar trolley rails on Nanjing Road 19071907

34549Wing On department store on Nanking Road19301930-1939

34583Waiting for the National Revolution Army - Banner advertisement for cigarette (view from the right)March 19271927, March

34584Waiting for the National Revolution Army - Banner advertisement for cigarette (view from the left)March 19271927, March

34736Willie's TheaterWednesday 20 January 1932

34847Weeks & Company Department Store

35069Wu-tai Motor Bus Transportation Co. on the Shanghai-Lui-ho road [Hutai Road 滬太路]

35070Wu-tai Motor Bus Transportation Company on the Shanghai-Lui-ho road [Hutai Road 滬太路]

35115Wheel barrow delivering American sole leather1930

35116Wheel barrow delivering American sole leather1930

35156Weaving shed of the Pudong mill of the Japan-China Spinning & Weaving Co., Ltd.August 1924

35232Winter in Shanghai1933-03-00

35233Winter in Shanghai1933-03-00

35234Winter in Shanghai1933-03-00

35235Winter's day on the Bund1933-03-00
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