| Image ID   | Title   | Date   | Estimated date   |

| 35428 | Shanghai Horse Bazaar Motor Company (outside view) | | Post 1921 |

| 34418 | Nanking Road after the bombing of the Sincere Deparment Store | Monday 23 August 1937 | Monday 23 August 1937 |

| 19505 | Nanking Road, Shanghai, May-June 1925 | May 1925 | May-June 1925 |

| 34260 | Billboard Green Landscape advertising various brands among which "The Greys" Cigarette | | January 1948 |

| 34261 | Billboard advertising "The Greys" Cigarette and the movie 太太萬歲 (Taitaiwansui) (Mrs. Ten thousand years) | | January 1948 |

| 34262 | Billboards advertising Three Cats Cigarette (三貓牌 Sanmaopai) and Three Bells Rubber Shoes 三鐘老牌 (Sanzhonglaopai), with rickshaws and pedestrians passing by in 1948 | January 1948 | January 1948 |

| 34365 | Women looking at the spectacular billboards along the Racecourse in 1948 | January 1948 | January 1948 |

| 34366 | Goose-style and package-style advertisements for Goose Cotton Jersey and The Greys cigarette before a row billboards along the Racecourse in 1948 | January 1948 | January 1948 |

| 34367 | Passers-by looking at the spectacular billboards along the Racecourse in 1948 | | January 1948 |

| 34368 | Billboards advertising a Chinese movie and the Greys cigarettes along the Racecourse in 1948 | | January 1948 |

| 34565 | Spectacular billboards along the Racecourse in 1948 | January 1948 | January 1948 |

| 34571 | Billboards advertising a brand of textile and thermos bottle round the Racecourse | January 1948 | January 1948 |

| 1388 | View of buildings on the Bund | 1920 | before 1929 |

| 34414 | In front of the Great World | Saturday 14 August 1937 | August 1937 |

| 34415 | Great World bombing: corpses by the traffic tower (very graphic) | Saturday 14 August 1937 | August 1937 |

| 34416 | Great World bombing: removal of corpses (graphic) | Saturday 14 August 1937 | August 1937 |

| 34419 | Victims of the Great World bombing | Saturday 14 August 1937 | August 1937 |

| 34420 | View of Thibet Road after the Great World Bombing | Saturday 14 August 1937 | August 1937 |

| 35308 | The Rotary Club of Shanghai: The new board of directors | | April 1932 |

| 34555 | Princess Theatre in Hongkong (樂宮戲院) | 1952 | 1952-1970 |

| 34469 | Child running in a narrow Chinese street in 1950-1960s Hongkong | 1950 | 1950-1960 |

| 34478 | East Nanking Road (pre Han 金陵東路 Jinling donglu) in the 1950s? | 1950 | 1950 |

| 34540 | Unlocated casino illuminated by night | June 1949 | 1949, June |

| 34253 | Signboard advertising "Pyramid" Cigarette | 1949 | 1949 |

| 34461 | Ding Feng store: Storefront with advertisements for sandalwood and longan | 1949 | 1949 |

| 34463 | Mercury Radio Supply Co | 1949 | 1949 |

| 34464 | Da Jing Chou Duan Ju fabric store 大經綢綬局 (dajingchoushouju) | 1949 | 1949 |

| 34466 | Chang Chun Hao store | 1949 | 1949 |

| 34529 | American bar owner Frank and his Chinese wife in their bar in 1949 | Sunday 1 May 1949 | 1949 |

| 34587 | Gallery owner chatting on the doorstep | March 1948 | 1948, March |

| 34475 | "Three Fives" 555 brand of aluminium saucepans in a street market in Shanghai | January 1948 | 1948, January |

| 34563 | Roof billboard advertising LUX Toilet Soap featuring movie star Jane Wyman? | January 1948 | 1948, January |

| 34564 | Giant billboard advertising "Unversal brand" wool thread (地球牌絨線) | January 1948 | 1948, January |

| 34576 | Giant billboards advertising "Beauty" bar soap (美麗肥皂) and Smoker's cigarettes (三王牌香煙) | January 1948 | 1948, January |

| 34255 | Billboard advertising Venus cigarette (維納斯 Weinaisi) in Shanghai in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34259 | Billboards advertising Million Dollar Cigarette (大百萬金), 直貢色丁花布 cotton print and Goose Cotton jersey (鵝棉毛衫) along the Racecourse | Thursday 1 January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34265 | Roof billboard advertising "The Brandy" Cigarette (白蘭地 Bailandi) in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34266 | Roof billboard advertising 大號銀行牌 (Dahao yinhangpai) cigarette in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34271 | Billboard advertising advertising a movie and 黑牌 (Heipai) cigarette in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34278 | Billboard advertising "Darkie" Toothpaste 黑人牙膏 (Heiren yagao) in Shanghai in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34279 | Billboards advertising New Year Movies and Diamond Clocks behind a bus stopping place with passengers waiting | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34280 | Roof billboards advertising "Three Cats" and "Pyramid" (?) Cigarette in Shanghai | 1948 | 1948 |

| 34369 | Passers-by reading a bill posted on a billboard advertising "Pegasus brand" (飛馬牌 feimapai) in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34370 | Wall Hoarding advertising Gibbs Castile Toilet Soap (㓗士香皂 Jieshi xiangzao) in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34371 | Roof billboard advertising "Elegant" Vanishing Cream (嫩靣香品雅霜 Nenmian xiangpin yashuang) at a major crossroad | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34372 | Billboard advertising a brand of textile in course of erection or repainting in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34375 | Wall Hoarding advertising Gibbs Castile Toilet Soap (㓗士香皂 Jieshi xiangzao) in 1948 (face) | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34376 | Wall hoarding advertising Guchiling toothpaste (固歯靈牙膏 Guchiling yagao) next to a Caltex service station in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34377 | Wall hoarding advertising Lux Toilet Soap (力士香皂 Lishixiangzao) and featuring American actress Jean Parker in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34443 | Billboard advertising Good Year toothpaste featuring the brand iconic boy in 1948 | 1948 | 1948 |

| 34444 | Billboards being erected or maintained near the race course | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34476 | Food stalls corner Changle/Xingle Roads (formerly rue Bourgeat, undated) | 1948 | 1948 |

| 34536 | Billboards advertising "White Kitten" cotton prints and a Chinese movie in 1948 (close view) | Thursday 1 January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34537 | Billboards advertising "White Kitten" cotton prints and a Chinese movie in 1948 (distant view) | Thursday 1 January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34566 | Billboards advertising "White Kitten" cotton prints | Thursday 1 January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34567 | Passer-by carefully reading a placard "sniped" on a billboard advertising "Pegasus brand" (飛馬牌 feimapai) in 1948 | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34568 | Passers-by carefully watching Chinese paintings pined to a bamboo fence | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34569 | Billboard advertising "Elegant" Vanishing Cream (嫩靣香品雅霜 Nenmian xiangpin yashuang) | Thursday 1 January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34570 | Smiling pilgrim standing in front of billboards | January 1948 | 1948 |

| 34572 | Roof billboard advertising Gibbs Castile Toilet Soap (㓗士香皂 Jieshi xiangzao) in a tailors' street | January 1948 | 1948 |