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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

35428Shanghai Horse Bazaar Motor Company (outside view)Post 1921

34418Nanking Road after the bombing of the Sincere Deparment StoreMonday 23 August 1937Monday 23 August 1937

19505Nanking Road, Shanghai, May-June 1925May 1925May-June 1925

34260Billboard Green Landscape advertising various brands among which "The Greys" CigaretteJanuary 1948

34261Billboard advertising "The Greys" Cigarette and the movie 太太萬歲 (Taitaiwansui) (Mrs. Ten thousand years)January 1948

34262Billboards advertising Three Cats Cigarette (三貓牌 Sanmaopai) and Three Bells Rubber Shoes 三鐘老牌 (Sanzhonglaopai), with rickshaws and pedestrians passing by in 1948 January 1948January 1948

34365Women looking at the spectacular billboards along the Racecourse in 1948January 1948January 1948

34366Goose-style and package-style advertisements for Goose Cotton Jersey and The Greys cigarette before a row billboards along the Racecourse in 1948January 1948January 1948

34367Passers-by looking at the spectacular billboards along the Racecourse in 1948January 1948

34368Billboards advertising a Chinese movie and the Greys cigarettes along the Racecourse in 1948January 1948

34565Spectacular billboards along the Racecourse in 1948January 1948January 1948

34571Billboards advertising a brand of textile and thermos bottle round the RacecourseJanuary 1948January 1948

1388View of buildings on the Bund1920before 1929

34414In front of the Great WorldSaturday 14 August 1937August 1937

34415Great World bombing: corpses by the traffic tower (very graphic)Saturday 14 August 1937August 1937

34416Great World bombing: removal of corpses (graphic)Saturday 14 August 1937August 1937

34419Victims of the Great World bombingSaturday 14 August 1937August 1937

34420View of Thibet Road after the Great World Bombing Saturday 14 August 1937August 1937

35308The Rotary Club of Shanghai: The new board of directorsApril 1932

34555Princess Theatre in Hongkong (樂宮戲院) 19521952-1970

34469Child running in a narrow Chinese street in 1950-1960s Hongkong19501950-1960

34478East Nanking Road (pre Han 金陵東路 Jinling donglu) in the 1950s? 19501950

34540Unlocated casino illuminated by nightJune 19491949, June

34253Signboard advertising "Pyramid" Cigarette 19491949

34461Ding Feng store: Storefront with advertisements for sandalwood and longan19491949

34463Mercury Radio Supply Co19491949

34464Da Jing Chou Duan Ju fabric store 大經綢綬局 (dajingchoushouju)19491949

34466Chang Chun Hao store19491949

34529American bar owner Frank and his Chinese wife in their bar in 1949Sunday 1 May 19491949

34587Gallery owner chatting on the doorstepMarch 19481948, March

34475"Three Fives" 555 brand of aluminium saucepans in a street market in ShanghaiJanuary 19481948, January

34563Roof billboard advertising LUX Toilet Soap featuring movie star Jane Wyman? January 19481948, January

34564Giant billboard advertising "Unversal brand" wool thread (地球牌絨線)January 19481948, January

34576Giant billboards advertising "Beauty" bar soap (美麗肥皂) and Smoker's cigarettes (三王牌香煙)January 19481948, January

34255Billboard advertising Venus cigarette (維納斯 Weinaisi) in Shanghai in 1948January 19481948

34259Billboards advertising Million Dollar Cigarette (大百萬金), 直貢色丁花布 cotton print and Goose Cotton jersey (鵝棉毛衫) along the RacecourseThursday 1 January 19481948

34265Roof billboard advertising "The Brandy" Cigarette (白蘭地 Bailandi) in 1948January 19481948

34266Roof billboard advertising 大號銀行牌 (Dahao yinhangpai) cigarette in 1948January 19481948

34271Billboard advertising advertising a movie and 黑牌 (Heipai) cigarette in 1948 January 19481948

34278Billboard advertising "Darkie" Toothpaste 黑人牙膏 (Heiren yagao) in Shanghai in 1948 January 19481948

34279Billboards advertising New Year Movies and Diamond Clocks behind a bus stopping place with passengers waitingJanuary 19481948

34280Roof billboards advertising "Three Cats" and "Pyramid" (?) Cigarette in Shanghai 19481948

34369Passers-by reading a bill posted on a billboard advertising "Pegasus brand" (飛馬牌 feimapai) in 1948 January 19481948

34370Wall Hoarding advertising Gibbs Castile Toilet Soap (㓗士香皂 Jieshi xiangzao) in 1948January 19481948

34371Roof billboard advertising "Elegant" Vanishing Cream (嫩靣香品雅霜 Nenmian xiangpin yashuang) at a major crossroadJanuary 19481948

34372Billboard advertising a brand of textile in course of erection or repainting in 1948January 19481948

34375Wall Hoarding advertising Gibbs Castile Toilet Soap (㓗士香皂 Jieshi xiangzao) in 1948 (face)January 19481948

34376Wall hoarding advertising Guchiling toothpaste (固歯靈牙膏 Guchiling yagao) next to a Caltex service station in 1948January 19481948

34377Wall hoarding advertising Lux Toilet Soap (力士香皂 Lishixiangzao) and featuring American actress Jean Parker in 1948January 19481948

34443Billboard advertising Good Year toothpaste featuring the brand iconic boy in 194819481948

34444Billboards being erected or maintained near the race courseJanuary 19481948

34476Food stalls corner Changle/Xingle Roads (formerly rue Bourgeat, undated)19481948

34536Billboards advertising "White Kitten" cotton prints and a Chinese movie in 1948 (close view)Thursday 1 January 19481948

34537Billboards advertising "White Kitten" cotton prints and a Chinese movie in 1948 (distant view)Thursday 1 January 19481948

34566Billboards advertising "White Kitten" cotton prints Thursday 1 January 19481948

34567Passer-by carefully reading a placard "sniped" on a billboard advertising "Pegasus brand" (飛馬牌 feimapai) in 1948 January 19481948

34568Passers-by carefully watching Chinese paintings pined to a bamboo fenceJanuary 19481948

34569Billboard advertising "Elegant" Vanishing Cream (嫩靣香品雅霜 Nenmian xiangpin yashuang) Thursday 1 January 19481948

34570Smiling pilgrim standing in front of billboards January 19481948

34572Roof billboard advertising Gibbs Castile Toilet Soap (㓗士香皂 Jieshi xiangzao) in a tailors' streetJanuary 19481948
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