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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

35063Chihli Motors' stand at the Rotary Fair and Carnival in TianjinThursday 18 September 1930

35064Truck construction body building shop1930-1939

35065Chinese nationalist soldiers hold onto an American motor carSeptember 1927

35066Chinese nationalist soldiers hold onto an American motor carTuesday 10 May 1927

35067Honigsberg & Co. garage next to the Foreign Y.M.C.A. headquartersSunday 8 September 1929

35068Tai Chong & Company's delivery truck1927-1937

35069Wu-tai Motor Bus Transportation Co. on the Shanghai-Lui-ho road [Hutai Road 滬太路]

35070Wu-tai Motor Bus Transportation Company on the Shanghai-Lui-ho road [Hutai Road 滬太路]

35071Shanghai-Minhang Motor Bus Transportation Company

35072The new "Auto Castle", Shanghai agent for Fiat motor cars 1931

35073Car oustide the Majestic Hotel1931

35074Bakerite's delivery truck1931

35075Chinese Fire Brigade 1931

35076Shanghai-Minhang Motor Bus Transportation Company

35077Ford agency at Changchun (Manchuria)1931

35078Bills Motors' showroom1931

35079Bills Motors' shop counter1931

35080Bills Motors' repair shop1931

35081Five-ton truck with semi-trailer1931

35082Triangle Motors' showroom (interior view)Monday 7 September 1931

35083Buses for service in the interior of China1931

35084Bills Motors' repair shopMonday 7 September 1931

35085Honigsberg & Company garage next to the Foreign Y.M.C.A. headquartersMay 1929

35086American motor truck used by the Nanking City Public Works DepartmentMay 1929

35087Bills Motors' service station1931

35088Star Garage1931

35089The Auto Castle, Shanghai agent for Fiat motor cars1931

35090Universal Hire Service (Automobile)1931

35091Universal Hire Service (Automobile)1931

35092American private cars1931

35093Motorcycle and cart in front of a Chinese shop1931

35094American truck in lumber service in China1931

35095A Chinese dealer of fresh fruits close to the Race Course

35096Signboard advertising Chinese-American records

35097British-American Tobacco Company's godown at Linjiang

35098International Banking Corporation's building

35099Chinese foreign-style tailor in KirinMonday 27 July 1931

35100American refrigerators at the Tianjin fairThursday 18 September 1930

35101Toys seller in North ChinaFriday 25 September 1931

35102Steam tug operated as ferry by the Shanghai-Lianhui line

35103Passengers landing off a steam tug operated as ferry by the Shanghai-Lianhui line

35104Steam tug operated as ferry by the Shanghai-Lianhui line

35106Flour bags stored on Bund in TianjinThursday 31 January 1929

35107Discharge of American flour from ship in Tianjin

35108Stored flour bags in Tianjin

35109Discharge of American flour from ship in Tianjin

35110Discharge of American flour from ship in Tianjin

35111Delivery of an American Caterpillar crawler tractor in Tianjin

35112Small bean mill at Linkiang [Linjiang]1930-1939

35113Storage for soy beans1930-1939

35114Popular restaurant

35115Wheel barrow delivering American sole leather1930

35116Wheel barrow delivering American sole leather1930

35117Loading American leather on the Bund1930

35118Coolies delivering American leather on the Bund1930

35119Display of American leather in China1930

35120American leather arriving at Fuzhou Road Pontoon1930

35121Nagoya Hotel in Kirin (North China)Friday 27 February 1931

35122Chinese hotel and bath house in Tianjin French ConcessionThursday 31 January 1929

35123Cathay HotelWednesday 20 January 1932
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