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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

35002Grand Garage français1931

35003Motor service Company showrooms for the Durant and Renault motorcars1931

35004Ryton's garage showroom1931

35005Type of motor bus in use in the French ConcessionWednesday 1 June 1927

35006Traffic at the corner of Szechuen and Nanking roads1927

35007Shanghai Ice & Cold Storage delivery van1927

35008Service car at Anderson and Ferroggiarro Buick agentsSeptember 1931

35009Six wheel type motor bus1931

35010Russian garage Peugeot-Adam's Garage1931

35011Sean You Zoo & Company delivery truck1931

35012New showrooms of the Horse Bazaar1931

35013Showrooms of the United Motor Company1931

35014A McCormick-Deering industrial tractor hauling cargo 1931

35015A Fordson tractor mounted on steel rails as a work car1931

35016Chinese designed and built body on American chassis1931

35017Ford Motors plant1931

35018Horse Bazar and Motor Company1931

35019One of the eight Studebaker fire trucks of the Shanghai Fire Brigade Friday 29 August 1930

35020Interior view of service station of "Bills Motors" 1931

35021Exterior view of service station of "Bills Motors" 1931

35022Chrysler Garage1931

35023Chrysler Garage1931

35024Socony Motor Gasoline truck1931

35025A fleet of American trucks equipped with locally built bodies for a Chinese motor bus transportation companyMonday 9 February 1931

35026Bills Motors service station1931

35027American-Chinese garage Union Motors1931

35028Taylor Garage1931

35030China rubber tire Company1931

35031Austin car displayed for sale1931

35032Carl Crow, Inc.'s billboard advertising American motorcars Banton Austin around a building in construction1931

35033Ryton's garage1931

35034First motor buses put in operation by private bus transportation companies1931

35035First motor buses put in operation by private bus transportation companies1931

35036Lee Lee Garage & Baychee Motor Car Company1931

35037French military tanks in use by the French authorities in the French Concession1931

35038Rist van (British) used by the Shanghai Municipal Police1931

35039Shanghai Horse Bazaar Motor Company1931

35040American motor car used in Yunnanfu1931

35041First caterpillar tractor in Tsitsikar (Manchuria)1931

35042Negotiating flooded streets in NankingSeptember 1931

35043Motor bus in Nanking1931

35044Kowloon bus transportation (Hongkong)1931

35045Kowloon bus transportation (Hongkong)1931

35046Nanking Motor Bus Company bus stopping at a small station1931

35047Motor bus1931

35048Sean You Zoo & Co, Ltd. delivery van in Hangzhou1931

35049Standard Products Company's delivery van1931

35050The Auto Palace Company 1931

35051Ford Hire Service Company1931

35052Ford Hire Service Company1931

35053Ford Hire Service Company1931

35054Ford Hire Service Company1931

35055Fei Lung garage showroom1931

35056Garage showroom1931

35057Shanghai Service Company1931

35058Eastern garage (American)1931

35059Shanghai Motor Sales Corporation (Germany)1931

35060Shanghai Motor Sales Corporation (Germany)1931

35061Dong Chong Cycle and Motor Co. (Chinese)1931

35062Dong Chong Cycle and Motor Company (Chinese)1931
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