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printID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
72Review of Lamson, Herbert Day, Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family1934Journal articleStephan, Frederick F.Englishreview, sociology, social, survey, statistical, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, deficienc
73Review of Lamson, Herbert Day, Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family1935Journal articleDai, BinghamEnglishreview, sociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, de
74Review of Lamson, Herbert Day, Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family1938Journal articleR., P.M.Englishreview, geography, sociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, de
75Peking: a social survey conducted under auspices of the Princeton University Center in China and the Peking Young Men's Christian Association1921BookGamble, Sidney, David, Burgess, John StewartEnglishsociology, social, survey, Peking, China, Princeton, YMCA
76Newspaper directory of China (including Hongkong) 1933BookCarl Crow, Inc.Englishadvertising, advertiser, newspaper, periodical, China, Hongkong, interwar
77The Travelers' Handbook for China (including Hongkong)1921BookCarl CrowEnglishadvertising; travel; handbook; guidebook; tourist; China; Hongkong; America; map; plan; illustration; image;
78The Travelers' Handbook for China1913BookCarl CrowEnglishadvertising; advertisement; business; travel; handbook; guidebook; tourist; China; America; map; plan; illustration; image;
79The ShanghailanderPeriodicalEnglishChina; Shanghai; magazine; periodical; monthly; tourist; visitor; resident; travel; guidebook; description
80Weekly Review Takes over Subscriptions of Chinese Engineer and Contractor1923Journal articleAnonymousEnglishCrow; Chinese; engineer; contractor; trade; journal; monthly; weekly; review; subscription; press; growth; advertising; agency; business; contract; industrial; supplement; translation; language; bilingual; circulation; department; Shanghai; urban; development
81Pressmen as Diplomats. Prof. William's View on the Potentialities of the Newspapers1921Journal articleAnonymousEnglishpress; diplomat; Missouri; dean; school; journalism; Crow; Shenbao;
82Letter to the Editor of the North-China Daily News1921Journal articleCarl CrowEnglishpress; newspaper; Mercury; Japanese; American; British; Crow; shareholder;
83The "Mercury" Meeting1921Journal articleAnonymousEnglishPress; newspaper; extraordinary; meeting,shareholder; election; board; vacancy; mercury; American; Japanese; propaganda; conflict
84The "Mercury" and the Japanese1921Journal articleAnonymousEnglishpress; newspaper; Mercury; Japanese; American; Crow; shareholder;
85The Jade Tree1921Journal articleAnonymousEnglishCrow; wife; women; art; gallery; stodio; curio; jade; tree; picture; photo; orient; ancient; anquity; collection; carpet; embroidery; linen; export; trade; China:United States;
86New Books and Publications. Interpreting Japan. 1921Journal articleAnonymousEnglishbook; review; Japan; Crow; bibliography; Y.M.C.A.
88The Traveller's Handbook for China1913Journal articleEnglishReview; book; handbook; travel; guide; tourist; Crow; Shanghai; map; plan; illustration
89A Useful Guidebook1913Journal articleEnglishReview; book; handbook; travel; guide; tourist; Crow; Shanghai; map; plan; illustration
90Men and Events. American Chamber of Commerce. Special Committee for the study of the problem of a Trade Mark and Copyright Law in China. 1919Journal articleAnonymousEnglishchamber; commerce; comittee; trademark; copyright; law; Crow
91American News. Letter to the Editor of the "North-China Daily News"1919Journal articleCarl CrowEnglishpress; newspaper; Mercury; Japanese; American; British; Crow; shareholder;
92News Brevities. Crow appointed as a member of the Yi Shih Pao (Social Welfare) Board of the Directors1919Journal articleAnonymousEnglishCrow; Social; Welfare; daily; newspaper; Peking; Tientsin; Canton; board; director; appointment;
93Japanese say Americans backing Chinese against them1919Journal articleAnonymousEnglishJapanese; conflict; Chinese; American; Mainichi; newspaper;
97Notes from Canton1919Journal articleAnonymousEnglishCrow; news; agency; Canton; association; guest; dinner; consul; college; student; graduate
98Carl Crow, Inc., Offices Damaged In Fire Outbreak1927Journal articleAnonymousEnglishAdvertising; agency; office; fire; damage; Crow; coal; floor; wood;
99Who's who of American returned students [Youmei tongxue lu: minguo liunian]1917BookQinghua University [Qinghua daxue]Chinese, Englishbilingual; directory; Beijing; Qinghua; university; student; United States; translation; information; wartime; WWI;
100The revival in Manchuria1910BookWebster, JamesEnglishManchuria; history; revival; mission
101Peking Who's Who1922BookRamsay, AlexEnglishdirectory; peking; biography; business
104Analysis of strikes in China, from 1918 to 19261918BookChen, Da (1892-?)Englishstrike; analysis; government; information; bureau
105China as It really is1912BookResident of PekingEnglishPeking; Resident; observation; description; China;
106North China Farming and Stock-Raising Corporation. Prospectus1920BookNorth China Farming and Stock-Raising CorporationEnglishAgriculture; farming; stock; raising; corporation; company; prospectus; advertising; Beijing; North; China; expert
108Economic History of Manchuria1920BookChosŏn Ŭnhaeng; Hoshino, TokujiEnglishManchuria; Japan; economic; history; bank; Chosen; Korea; research; department
109Manchuria, land of opportunities; illustrated from photographs with diagrams and maps1922BookMinami Manshū Tetsudō Kabushiki Kaisha; Logan, Thomas F., Inc., New YorkEnglishManchuria; land; opportunity; railway; transportation; Japan; United States
110China. Social and Economic Conditions 1912BookAmerican Academy of Political and Social ScienceEnglishChina; social; economic; condition; description; United States; association; political; science; mission; religion; reconstruction; government; Manchuria; medicine; commerce; geography; resource; value; girl; everyday; life;
111The Japan year book. Complete Encyclopaedia of general information and statistics on Japan and the Japanese territories1905BookTakenobu, Yoshitaro (1863?-1930)Englishyear; book; Japan; territory; Manchuria;
112The Call of the East. Sketches from the History of the Irish mission to Manchuria1919BookO'Neill, Frederick William Scott (1870-1946)Englishmission; presbyterian; Manchuria;
115China Times Guide to Tientsin and neighbourhood1908BookSt. John, BurtonEnglishGuide; Tientsin; neighborhood;
116Map and Short description of Tientsin1900BookDrake, Noah Fields (b. 1864)EnglishTientsin; guide; map; description
117Fur and Feather in North China1914BookSowerby, Arthur de Carle (1885-?)EnglishNorth; China; natural; history; fur; feather; resource;
118In the uttermost East; being an account of investigations among the natives and Russian convicts of the island of Sakhalin, with notes of travel in Korea, Siberia, and Manchuria1904BookHawes, Charles Henry (1867-1943)Englishinvestigation; Far East; native; Siberia; Manchuria; Korea; Russia; island; travel
119Christies Peking directoryBookEnglishPeking; directory
120List of the subsidiary companies and the affiliated enterprises of the South Manchuria Railway Company (March 15th, 1935)1935BookMinami Manshū Tetsudō Kabushiki KaishaEnglishlist; directory; subsidiary; company; affiliate; south; railway; Manchuria; Japan;
121The Orient Year Book1934BookEnglishdirectory; year; book; business; biography; Japan; Orient;
122The New Japan Year Book1915BookThe New Japan Publishing Co.Englishdirectory; year; book; statistics; Japan; China; Manchuria;
123Japan-Manchoukuo Year Book1933BookJapan-Manchoukuo Year Book Co.Englishdirectory; year; book; statistics; business; biography; Japan; China; Manchuria; Mandchoukuo
124The Japan times Year Book1932BookJapan Times & MailEnglishdirectory; year; book; statistics; business; biography; Japan; China; Manchuria;
125Peking Utility Book1921BookEnglishdirectory; utility; woman; mother; club; college; Peking; book; advertisement; advertising
126Peking Utility Book1937BookPeiping International Women's ClubEnglishdirectory; utility; woman; club; international; Peking; book; war
127The Peiping (Peking) Shopping Guide1936BookThomsen, F.H.L.EnglishPeking; shopping; guide; shop; list; map; directory; street; index; glossary; list; bilingual
128Guide to "Peking"1935BookThe Peiping ChronicleEnglishPeking; guide; chronicle
129Guide to "Peking"1933BookThe Peiping ChronicleEnglishPeking; guide; chronicle
130Guide to "Peking"1946BookAmerican National Red CrossEnglishPeking; Red; Cross; assocation; club; travel; guide; relief; embassy; United States; war; postwar;
131 Japan and Manchoukuo1935BookHase, K.Englishdirectory; biography; who; business; Japan; Manchuria; export; year; book
132China hand1936BookHutchison, James LafayetteEnglishforeign; resident; autobiography; description; social; business; advertising; tobacco; BAT; Peking; North; Manchuria;
133New Books of Interest in the Far East. Business Man's View of China1938Journal articleT.H.Englishbook; review; foreign; resident; autobiography; description; social; business; advertising; tobacco; BAT; Peking; North; Manchuria; Shansi; Tientsin
134Obituary. Mr. Douglas Young1938Journal articleAnonymousEnglishnewspaper; Japan; Kobe; war; naval; advertising; agency; Shanghai; editor; chronicle; cousin; Far East;
135Obituary. Mr. Douglas Young1938Journal articleAnonymousEnglishnewspaper; Japan; Kobe; war; naval; advertising; agency; Shanghai; editor; chronicle; cousin; Far East;
136China's Progress in Advertising 1937Journal articleAnonymousEnglishprogress; advertising; bilingual; brochure; anniversary; trade; medium; newspaper;
137History of Journalism. Canton Birthplace of Country's Newspapers; Development Traced1936Journal articleWONG, HinEnglishjournalism; advertising; agency; university; Shanghai; history; newspaper; Canton
138Advertising Expert 1936Journal articleAnonymousEnglishanniversary; decade; progress, service, china, commercial, advertising, agency, ling, article, booklet, self-promotion; photography; portrait; manager; founder; biography
139Congratulations 1936Journal articlePark HotelEnglishanniversary, decade, china, commercial, advertising, agency, ling, article, booklet, self-promotion; congratulation; hotel: tea; dance; cocktail; sunday; party; public; merchandise; domestic; foreign; patronage; testimonial; support; logo; sailboat; dinne
140Seen At Ling Cocktail 1936Journal articleAnonymousEnglishcocktail; party; sky; terrace; park: hotel; artist; greeting; Australia;
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