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printID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
393China as a consumer1920Journal articleEnglishconsumer; consortium; political economy; business class; elite; people; public; Chinese; cooperation; nation; loan;
394China's Silk Industry and the American market1920Journal articlePatterson, Don D.Englishsilk; commission; standard; quality; chop; trademark; export; United States; history; Marco Polo; market; consumer; Shanghai; Hangzhou; visit; Japan; competition; circulation; expert; training; consumer;
395Trade Mark Protection in China1920Journal articleBryan, R.T. (Jr.)Englishtrademark; law;
396The Trade of China for 19191920Journal articleUnwin, F.R. (Statistical Secretary, Inspectorate General of Customs)Englishtrade; statistics; customs; export; year; raw materials; silk; agriculture; food; cereals; animal; tea; price; conservancy; board; commission; river; railway; transportation;
397Better Oceanic Communication for Tientsin1920Journal articleTong, Hollington K.Englishcommunication; transportation; maritime; Tianjin; elite; expert; conservancy board;
398Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Meaning of Recent Elections - Entry of the Reformers - The New Programme1920Journal articleGramada, G.EnglishChinese; foreign; chamber of commerce; club; organization; elite; merchant; information; trade; survey; statistics; politics;
399Three letters to the Editors: Cost of Municipal Buildings, Electricity Rates, Motor-Car and Tram1920Journal articleAnonymous readers (Voter, Consumer, Against Road-Hogging)Englishpublic; opinion; cost; electricity; building; traffic; consumer; voter; motorcar; tramway; Shanghai
400High Prices in Shanghai.The Case of Tobacco1920Journal articleEnglishconsumer; price; tobacco; Shanghai; United States; England; comparison
401Water Scarce and Discoloured. Householders' Complaints1920Journal articleEnglishconsumer; public; opinion; household; water supply; shortage; quality; color; company; weather; season; New Year; daily life; women; housework; Chinese; Shanghai; French Concession; foreign settlements; comparison
402Through the Eyes of Labour. The Cost of Living1920Journal articleA Trade UnionistEnglishconsumer; cost of living; England; comparison; household; price; food; necessities; transportation; trade union; margarine; clothing; advertisement;
403Food Stuffs from China1920Journal articleFrom Our Own Correspondent (London)Englishconsumer; food; England; import; export; refrigeration; egg; rice; tea; pork; market; public good;
404A Practical suggestion for Improving Housing Conditions in Shanghai. The Quest Society Discusses Socialism1920Journal articleEnglishEngland; Shanghai; housing; organization; elite; property; ratepayer; socialism; comparison
405The New Culture. Rapid Spread of Revolutionary Ideas in China. The Chinese Brand. 1920Journal articleEnglishconsumer; brand; Chinese; nationalist; Japan; organization; university; Shanghai; elite; biography; education; Europe; United States; movement
406The Business Forum. Business Clubs. The "Mixer". Commercial Art. The "Pull" Of "Branded Goods". Winning the Consumer. Expert Commercial Hints1920Journal articleOrganiserEnglishexpert; consumer; business; club; brand; commercial art; advertising; artists; journalists; trademark; waste; picture;
407High Prices. Dear Harts and Drinks Dearer. Brandy 48s. A Bottle!1920Journal articleEnglishconsumer; price; drink; clothing; hat; brandy; Shanghai;
408Labour in East. An Unpromising Outlook For Industries. 1920Journal articleEnglishpessimism; consumer; labor; wage; cost of living; housing; coolie; rickshaw; cotton; industry; migration; Asia; Japan; Manchuria; Qingdao; Shanghai; Hongkong; Straits Settlements;
409A Look Into the Promised Land (Current Press Opinion on Far Eastern Affairs)1921Journal articleWalker, Guy Morrison (Wall Street Journal, New York)Englishconsumer; democracy; labor; market; myth; optimism; trade; middleman; competition; boycott; agriculture; soya; silk; soap; Americanization; United States; Philippines; Japan;
410Promising outlook of Chinese markets1921Journal articleEnglishoptimism; China; market; export; progress; customs; salt administration; import; food;
411China's Commercial Today1921Journal articlePatterson, Don D.Englishbusiness; trade; credit; depression; silver; silk; import; export; war; China; South America; comparison
412The Consumers' Strike1921Journal articleEnglishconsumer; movement; global; price; credit; city; League of Nations; England; China; Shanghai;
413The Shanghai Markets: Improved Sentiment1921Journal articleEnglishconsumer; market; sentiment; optimism; piece goods; yarn; export; Shanghai
414Consignment for Contract. Judgment in Albumen Export Case Delivered by Supreme Court1921Journal articleEnglishconsumer; egg; export; price; commission; legal; case; court; China; England;
415Price of Commodities. The "Statist's" Index-Numbers1921Journal articleEnglishconsumer; statistics; index; price; market; science; global; commodities; trade; depression; Shanghai
416The Consumer Pays1921Journal articleEnglishconsumer; cost of living; food; margarine; England; Shanghai; comparison;
417China's crying need of roads1921Journal articleEnglishtransportation; road; interior; city; trade; organization; foreign; circulation; China; Zhejiang; Hangzhou; Shanghai;
418H.C.L. in Shanghai. To the Editor of the "North-China Daily News"1921Journal articleAnonymous reader (C.M.L.)Englishconsumer; cooperative; opinion; complaint; wholesale; labor; wage; bank; elite; England; Chongqing
419The Rates in Shanghai Hotels; Mr. Edward Ezra's Reply to C.M.L.'s Complaint for New Increase1921Journal articleEnglishconsumer; complaint; price; commodities; increase; hotel; client; city; Shanghai
420Get Rich Quick Schemes1921Journal articleEnglishconsumer; cooperation; complaint; price; speculation; gambling; short-term; generation; moralization; public opinion; cotton; daily consumption; credit; China
421The Storage of Gasoline1921Journal articleEnglishgasoline; petroleum; storage; tank; harbor; customs; regulation; investigation; oil company; competition; chamber of commerce; expert; standardization; economy; safety; global; Shanghai; Yangzhou; Nantong; model city; motor; transport;
424The Band of Boodle Makers1921Journal articleAnonymous reader (One of Them)Englishconsumer; opinion; letter; complaint; price; commodities; increase; tax; ice; guild; strike; city; Shanghai
425Eastern Exchange. Expert Opinion on How Europe Depends on Asia. The Need for Stable Rates. Determining Factors Explained1921Journal articleCross, L.W. (Business Organization and Management)Englishexpert; opinion; trade; dependency; compradore; silver; Asia; India; China; Japan; Europe;
426Harvesting the Ice Crop1921Journal articleTighe, RobertEnglishexpert; documentary; photograph; harvest; ice; transportation; storage; use; preservation; perishable; food; natural; artificial; United States
427An Optimist and the Depression1922Journal articleEnglishconsumer; optimism; depression; business; elite; foreign; trade; textile; New Year; China; England;
428Japanese benefits to Manchuria. A Pleasing Side to their Penetration: Social Work and Trade Development1922Journal articleNCH Correspondent in Fakumen (Faku'men)Englishconsumer; health; organization; railway; philanthropy; electricity; public amenities; trade; commodities; chemical; soap; tooth powder; tooth paste; clock; jewelry; brand; counterfeit; guohuo; national; sense; smell; color; Japan; German; Beijing; Shanghai; Manchuria;
429Tsingtao Notes. A Newspaper's Anniversary. The Weather Forecast. Railway Guards. Bad Whisky1922Journal articleNCH Correspondent in Tsingtao (Qingdao)Englishconsumer; newspaper; anniversary; tourism; summer; weather; motorcar; railway; mining; traffic; whisky; adulteration; label; testimonial; certificate; laboratory; hotel; Qingdao; Japanese
430Co-operative Wholesale Society. To the Editor of the "North-China Daily News"1922Journal articleAnonymous reader (G.W.S.)Englishconsumer; cooperative; opinion; complaint; wholesale; labor; wage; bank; elite; England; Chongqing
431Meter Inspection. To the Editor of the "North-China Daily News"1922Journal articleKANN, N.SEnglishconsumer; electricity; public amenities; resident; opinion; meter; inspection; Shanghai
432Editorial (Dark situation of business in China)1922Journal articleEnglishopinion; pessimism; war; reparation; ; trade; market; communication; consumer; preference; purchasing power; tea; packing; advertising; United States; India; Russia; China;
433Agriculture and National Life1922Journal articleButterfield, K.L (Dr.)Englishexpert; agriculture; farmer; living standard; banking; business; elite; nation; soil; automobile; democracy; credit; organization; cooperation; history; nation; Germany; United States; China
434China's Experiences in Making Money1923Journal articleBennett, Roy C.Englishexpert; bank; currency; customs; tramway; unification; China; Shanghai; Beijing; Chongqing
435Along the Tientsin-Pukow Railway line (photographic report01923Journal articleEnglishdocumentary; photograph; guidebook; travel; hotel; tourism; danger; bandit; mountain; river; temple; Confucius; history; daily life; agriculture; family; house; interior; wheelbarrow; railway; transportation; bridge; Shandong;
436Improving China's Cotton (photographic report)1923Journal articleSmith, GeorgeEnglishChinaman; expert; documentary; photograph; adulteration; quality; association; research; agriculture; living standard; daily life; cotton; textile; clothing; market; university; student; Nanjing; Beijing; Shandong; United States;
437China, a Victim of Shylocks1923Journal articleDailey, CharlesEnglishChina; finance; elite; statistics; interest; shylock
438The All-Russian Central Union of Consumers' Societies : the Centrosojus1920BookJoint Committee of the Russian Co-operative Organisations (London, England)Englishcooperative; consumer; society; Shanghai; Russia; London; network; global; history
439The Dairy Situation in China1923Journal articleChinese Government Bureau of Economic InformationEnglishdairy; fresh; milk; bottle; delivery; size; foreign; city; consumer; customer; directory; hong list; university; research; figure; import; cholera; health; hygiene; inspection; licence; expert; Government Bureau of Economic Information; China; Shanghai; Guangdong; Europe; Canada; Ja
440Advertising, an Essential Factor in American Trade in China1923Journal articleScholz, Emil Maurice (President of the World Wide Advertising Corporation)Englishadvertising; trade; market; corporation; global; nation; personification; newspaper; journalism; Japanese; China; United States
441Garlic as a Germ Destroyer. The Chinese Resistance to Disease and a Modern Chemist's Invention1923Journal articleFrom a Correspondent (Harbin)Englishhealth; disease; garlic; herb; hygiene; science; circulation; Europe; Harbin; North China;
442Ratepayers' Meeting. Council Supported Throughout: No Traffic Commission. No Band Reduction1923Journal articleEnglishShanghai Municipal Council; ratepayer; society; club; waterworks; traffic; budget; Shanghai
443The Compradore System. To the Editor of the "North-China Daily News"1923Journal articleA Chinese Merchant but not a CompradoreEnglishopinion; consumer; compradore; merchant; trade; gambling; Shanghai
444"Pay the Balance". Brand New Methods for Squeezing the People: Smugglers' Paths to Avoid New Dues1923Journal articleFrom Our Own Correspondent (Lanchowfu, Kan) (Lanzhou 兰州, Gansu)Englishopinion; correspondent; likin; tax; customs; smuggling; people; masses; China; Gansu
445The China New Year Settlement1923Journal articleEnglishChina; Shanghai; New Year; depression; pessimism; bank; consumer; merchant; shortage
446Shanghai Milk Supply. The Problem of Dairies Beyond Settlement Limits1923Journal articleEnglishChina; Shanghai; milk supply; dairy; International Settlement; disease; hygiene; health; safety; customer; consumer; license;
447British Chamber of Commerce. Annual General Meeting: Review of the Year. Important Questions of Policy1923Journal articleEnglishChina; Shanghai; chamber of commerce; British; club; meeting; piece goods; shipping; harbor; taxation; customs
448Psychology of Sales1923Journal articleEnglishChina; Shanghai; psychology; retailer; sale; depression; price; consumer; buyer; profit;
449The Bank of China. Review of Industrial Conditions by the General Manager. Able Summary of Situation1923Journal articleEnglishChina; Shanghai; bank; meeting; association; price; figure; account;
450New United States Tariff. Serious Blow to China Egg Industry1923Journal articleEnglishChina; United States; competition; egg; export; import; tariff; trade; country; village; Nanjing; university; expert; experiment; science;
451The Vegetable Oil Industry of China1923Journal articleChinese Government Bureau of Economic InformationEnglishChina; Government Bureau of Economic Information; vegetable oil; data; figure; province; origine; production; value; taxonomy; classification; industry;
452Pure Milk and The Dairyman (To the Editor of the "North-China Daily News")1924Journal articleAnonymous reader (Small Dairyman)Englishopinion; consumer; dairy; milk; pure; public health; hygiene; safety; China; Shanghai
453Brush Manufacturing1924Journal articleBolton, W.H.Englishtoothbrush; commodities; biography; manufacture; consumer; education; hygiene; photograph; plant; water tower; China; Shanghai;
454The making of Tientsin and Other1924Journal articleO.D.R.Englishbook review; manufacture; biography; commodities; specialty; carpet; rug; design; symbol; animal; export; Tianjin; China
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