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ID Name Title Title [cn] Year 
17Correspondence of the Consolidated National Advertising Co. (miscellaneous)Memorandum and letters related to the Consolidated National Advertising Co. dated October 26, 1932-July 15, 1937徐永祚会计师事务所关于联合广告公司登记1932
49Motion pictures in China (1931)Motion pictures in China (Compiled from data submitted by the various consular officers stationed throughout China and collected by the Shanghai Consulate General)1931
57Motor car census of Peking, Tientsin and KalganMotor car census of Peking, Tientsin and Kalgan1922
59Chinese-made automobiles Manufacture of automobiles in China 1923
75Market for used automobiles in ChinaMarket for used automobiles in China1925
79Questionaire re left hand drive on motor vehicles in ShanghaiMotor vehicles fitted with left hand drive1926
91Motor Vehicles Licence Conditions in Shanghai International SettlementMotor Vehicles Licence Conditions - International Settlement, Shanghai 1935
94Motor Vehicles Taxation in CantonMotor Vehicles Taxation in Canton1935
95Motor Vehicles Registration in China and Hongkong (1934)Motor Vehicles Registration in China, and Hongkong, by Makes during 19341935
97Automobile census in Canton (1936)Motor vehicles in operation as of January 1, 19361936
100Motor Vehicles import duties, regulations and taxesMotor Vehicles import duties, regulations and taxes1936
106Motor Vehicle Purchases, Chinese GovernmentMotor Vehicle Purchases, Chinese Government1938
107Motor Vehicle Import Duties in ManchukuoMotor Vehicle Import Duties in 'Manchukuo"1938
108Motor Vehicle Registrations in Shanghai French ConcessionMotor Vehicle Registrations in the French Concession, Shanghai - Quarter ended September 30, 19381938
110Motor Vehicle Registrations in Shanghai French Concession (1939)Motor Vehicle Registrations in the French Concession, Shanghai, June 30, 19391939
112Cummins Diesel Export Corporation's inquiry on the Manchuria Motor Car CompanyManchuria Motor Car Company - Cummins Diesel Export Corporation1940
130Monthly Trade Report, China (February 1939)Monthly Trade Report, China, February 15, 19391939
135Monthly Trade Report, China (September 1939)Monthly Trade Report, China, September 15, 19391939
166Motor Vehicle Taxation in Shanghai foreign settlements Motor Vehicle Taxation in International Settlement, Shanghai1934
170Motor car agencies in ChinaMotor car agencies in China1930
171Motor car registrations in Shanghai International SettlementMotor car registrations1930
178Monthly Wholesale Sales of Motor Vehicles in ShanghaiMonthly Wholesale Sales of Motor Vehicles1930
182Monthly Automotive Stocks Monthly Automotive Stocks 1931
183Automobile importers and dealers in China Motor Vehicles - Importers and dealers1931
216Monthly Trade and Economic ReportMonthly Trade and Economic Report1924
229Monthly Report on Commerce and IndustriesMonthly Report on Commerce and Industries - March 19191919
260Chiatung University Engineering & Railway ExhibitionMotion Picture Films shown at Chiatung University Exhibition1933
261National Mining, Metallurgical and Geological ExhibitionMining Exhibition, China1934
303Merchant Shipping in Yokohama, JapanMerchant Shipping1915
359Modern Paper Factory in Jiaxing, ZhejiangModern Paper Factory, Kashing, Checkiang Province, China1931
447Misconceptions of China and the Chinese in motion picture filmsMisconceptions of China and the Chinese in Motion Picture films1932
448Proposed shoe factory in ShanghaiModern Shoe Factory To Be Built in Shanghai1932
450Motor highways in Guizhou provinceMotor highways in Kweichow Province, China1932
464Censorship of motion pictures in ChinaMotion Pictures. Mr. Harry Garson1932
465Motocycles resale between Shanghai and ParisMotorcycles1932
480Modernization of business methods in ShanxiModernization of business methods in China1933
531China Monthly Trade Report (April, 1937)Monthly Trade Report. China. Issued at Shanghai. April 1, 19371937
534Motion Picture in ChinaMotion Picture Notes1937
542Softening of motion picture censorship Motion Picture Notes1937
545Educational films in ChinaMotion Picture Notes (Voluntary)1937
548Tobacco market in China: Supply and consumptionMemorandum or study: Mid Crop-Year Revision of Estimates of Supply and Consumption of Leaf Tobacco on the China market1937
553Metric System for Motor Vehicles in ChinaMetric System for Motor Vehicles1937
556China Monthly Trade Report (June 1937)Monthly Trade Report. China. Issued at Shanghai. June 15, 19371937
559Motion Pictures ReviewMotion Picture Notes1937
561China market for American wineMarket for American wine1937
562China Market for grapefruit juiceMarket for Grapefruit Juice Bases1937
567Motor fuels market in ChinaMotor Fuels in Foreign Countries - China, exclusive of Manchuria1937
574Motion Pictures ReviewMotion Pictures Notes (Voluntary)1937
578China Market for Wall Boards and Insulating MaterialsMarket for Wall Boards and Insulating Materials. (Required Report, Reference: Forest Products Division. Questionnaire dated December 8, 1937)1938
579China Monthly Trade Report (March 1938)Monthly Trade Report. China. Issued at Shanghai. March, 15, 19381938
581China Monthly Trade Report (April, 1938)Monthly Trade Report. China. Issued at Shanghai. April, 15, 19381938
582Motion Pictures Notes (April 1938)Motion Picture Notes1938
584China Monthly Trade Report (May, 1938)Monthly Trade Report. China. Issued at Shanghai. May, 15, 19381938
590Motion Picture Notes (June 1938)Motion Picture Notes1938
592China Monthly Trade Report (June 1938)Monthly Trade Report. China. Issued at Shanghai, June 15, 19381938
601China Monthly Trade Report (December 1938)Monthly Trade Report. China. Issued at Shanghai, December 15, 19381938
615China Monthly Trade Report (February 1939)Monthly Trade Report, China. Vol. XIX No.1. February 15, 1939. A Summary of Trade and Economic Conditions in China During 19381939
625Motion Picture NewsMotion Picture Notes1939
641China market for office equipmentMarket for Office Equipment - 1938 1939
645China Trade Monthly Report (October 1939)Monthly Trade Report, China. Vol. XIX. No.7. October 15, 19391939
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