1079 documents
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ID Name Title Title [cn] Year 
3J.W.T News Bulletin1916
9North China Daily News: History and Inventory (1856-1951)
114Automotive survey in Tianjin1940
141Pessimistic tone of trade reports in China1935
159Possible losses for American airplane and automobile manufacturers in the Yunnanfu market 1932
174Imports of motor cars into Qingdao for the year 19291930
218Consular comments on the economic development in Manchuria1924
230Advisability of commercial reports1920
231Photographs of Chinese Industrial and Agricultural Conditions1919
234Investments and speculation in China 1921
246Reorganization of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce 1921
259Good Roads Exhibition in Shanghai1931
269Commercial significance of colors in China1920
275Cooperation with the American Association of Advertising Agencies 1923
279Strother's Advertising Agency1926
280Information on advertising calendar in China1928
281Advertising in North China1931
327Effect of the Lansing-Ishii agreement1918
341Commercial Attache's pessimism on American trade with China1920
342Suggestions to assist American firms in China1920
343Preparation and confidential nature of trade reports 1920
344Preparation, distribution and reception of trade reports 1922
353Production, circulation and reception of periodic trade reports1924
354Production, circulation and reception of periodic trade reports1926
355Production, circulation and reception of periodic trade reports1927
356List of American firms interested in China1927
490Organization of the National Economic Council1933
703Monopolies in Central China1940
708American Chamber of Commerce of China1918
718The Committee of Public Information: Accomplishments and Prospects1918
719Distribution of American news in China1918
723American market news service to the Far East1921
726Publicity for American automobile industry to Tokyo1923
735Tea and Silk Guild in Shanghai1924
742Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce's mailing list1933
753Milk imports into China1930
769Burma Market for Coca-Cola1926
771Coca-Cola's President world trip1927
775Egypt and Middle East markets for Coca-Cola 1927
785Representation of Coca-Cola in Brazil1928
789Finland market for Coca-Cola1930
791Local agent for Coca-Cola in Tunis1930
798Edgar Parks Snow (1905-1972) Papers
801Market for American Sardines1927
804Address Book1928
805American Company. Shanghai Volunteers Corps (SVC). Booklet of Information1919
807Calder's Weekly reports of activities (January 1936 - July 1937)1936
808Calder's diary (May 6-8, 1946)1946
809Calder's Chinese and Foreign Contacts (1927-1936)1927
810Calder's memo on China's industry, Shanghai, April 22, 19331933
811Three-Minute Radio Talk for San Francisco, May 18, 19321932
814Calder's curriculum vitae 1923
815Calder's cover letter1923
816Calder's passport applicationn1917
817Calder's statement of experience1923
818Calder's Baptism Certificate1892
819Calder's Testament1921
829China Monthly Trade Report1928
831Correspondence and Memos1925
832American Chamber of Commerce. Correspondence and Bulletins1928
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