1079 documents
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ID Name Title Title [cn] Year 
837中華民國普通 汽車駕駛人執照Calder's Driver's Licence (Republic of China)1949
293Yokohama Specie Bank's view on the effets of the 21 demands on the relations between China, Japan and the U.S. China, Japan and the United States1915
1110Yee Tsoong Tobacco Distributors Limited, Neon Light Clock, Edward VII Yee Tsoong Tobacco, Ruby Queen" Sign-board and Clock, Edward VII1939
470Yeast market in Shanghai and ManilaYeast1932
440Xiamen Airport (Fujian) in 1932Special Report. Airport - Amoy, China1932
1036Wyatt and Zimmerman, Advertisements on Footpaths (4)Advertisements on Footpaths, Wyatt and Zimmerman1929
1007Wushida, S. Advertising on electric poles of Shanghai Power CompanyWushida, S. Advertising on electric poles of Shanghai Power Company1942
691World markets for pinsWorld markets for pins1926
192World map of General Motors foreign operationsGeneral Motors Foreign Operations1928
426Wool production in ChinaSpecial Report. Ques. #333 - "Annual World Wool Production & Number of Sheep in the world"1932
452Wood uses in ShanghaiWood utilization in Shanghai - Manufacture of Plywood and Box Shooks1932
622Wood pulp production and distribution in ChinaWorld Production and Distribution of Wood Pulp - 19381939
596Wood pulp market in ChinaWorld Production and Distribution of Wood Pulp1938
331Witholding of salt revenuesWitholding of Salt Revenues1918
676Wireless regulations for British subjects in ChinaWireless Regulations for British Subjects in China1940
1079William Hunt & Company, Enseignes lumineuses billingues, Roosevelt TerminalIlluminated Signs (bilingual), William Hunt & Company, Roosevelt Terminal1938
644Wholesale and retail prices of sugar in ChinaWorld Wholesale and Retail Prices of Refined Sugar1939
560Weighing of motor vehicles in ShanghaiWeighing of Motor Vehicles, Shanghai, China1937
823Weekly ReportsOffice Activities1935
827Weekly ReportsPersonnel. Activities of Staff During Week1927
865Weekly reportsCompilation of Weekly reports1918
136Weekly Economic Report (September, 1939)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ending September 16, 19391939
150Weekly economic report (November 13, 1937)Weekly economic report for the week ended November 13, 19371937
125Weekly Economic Report (May 21, 1938)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ended May 21, 19381938
123Weekly Economic Report (May 14, 1938)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ended May 14, 19381938
118Weekly Economic Report (March 26, 1938)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ended March 26, 19381938
133Weekly Economic Report (March 25, 1939)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ending March 25, 19391939
132Weekly Economic Report (March 18, 1939)Weekly Economic Report. Report for 3 weeks ending March 18, 19391939
127Weekly Economic Report (July 20, 1938)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ended July 20, 19381938
116Weekly Economic Report (January 29, 1938)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ended January 29, 19381938
143Weekly economic report (January 23, 1937)Weekly economic report for the week ended January 23, 19371937
147Weekly economic report (February, 6 1937)Weekly economic report for the week ended February, 6 19371937
138Weekly Economic Report (December, 1939)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ending December 9, 19391939
128Weekly Economic Report (December 17, 1938)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ended December 17, 19381938
122Weekly Economic Report (April 14, 1938)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ended April 14, 19381938
134Weekly Economic Report (April 1, 1939)Weekly Economic Report. Report for the week ending April 1, 19391939
725Weekly economic news service from the United States to Beijing Weekly cables to Peking 1923
667Weekly Confidential Report (February 3, 1940)Weekly Confidential Report1940
668Weekly Confidential Report (February 24, 1940)Weekly Confidential Report1940
220Weekly Cable ServiceNew Cable Service1924
462Water Works in NanjingNanking Water Works1932
901Washington Apartments (Miss. M. Bocharoff). Panneaux-réclames hors zone autoriséeBillboards outside the authorized zone1938
336War propaganda in ChinaWar Propaganda in China1918
305War effects on foreign imports in QingdaoSource of foreign imports into Tsingtau, China, and the effect of the war1915
840Walter McConaughy, Department of State. Re: David and Y.K. WongCorrespondence related to David and Y.K Wong in Shanghai1954
8Walking to my office in ShanghaiWalking to my office in Shanghai1936
1035W.I Zimmerman & Company. Painted SignsPainted Signs, W.I Zimmerman & Company1929
292Visit of Chinese Commercial Delegation to the United StatesVisit of the Chinese Commercial Delegation to the United States1915
1107Vio Neon Light Company. Bubbling Well Road No. 948, 950, 952 - Cad Lot 2951Vio Neon Light Company vs. Le Rendezvous, Unsafe Roof Signs1939
1106Vio Neon Light Company - Sinza Road No. 378 - Cad Lot 685Vio Neon Light Company, Permit Cancellation 1939
85View from office windows of Commercial AttacheView from office windows of Commercial Attache1932
698Using the term "Manchukuo Government"The term "Manchukuo Government"1933
702Using the term "Manchukuo Government"The term "Manchukuo Government"1933
194Use of Motor VehiclesUse of Motor Vehicles1928
755United States Pure Food laws on ice cream and milk United States pure food laws on ice cream and milk 1932
630Tung oil market in ChinaTung Oil1939
1057Transmutograph (Far East), Proposed Illuminated Sign, Cad Lot 2419, Corner Bubbling Well Road & Seymour RoadsTransmutograph (Far East), Proposed Illuminated Sign, Bubbling Well/Seymour1929
1058Transmutograph (Far East) Advertising. Electric Signs overlooking RacecourseTransmutograph (Far East) Advertising. Broadcasting Municipal News, Racecourse1931
152Transliteration of "Coca-Cola" Trade-Mark to Chinese Characters樂可口可 or how to say Coca-Cola in Chinese 1957
707Translation of Health Products Corporation's advertising in ChinaRequest by Health Products Corporation1926
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