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ID Name Title Title [cn] Year 
28Recording a Decade of "Service and Progress" (1926-1936)Recording a Decade of "Service and Progress" (1926-1936). Self-promotional booklet published for the tenth anniversary of the China Commercial Advertising Company“近十年中国之广告事业”(中央文). 上海商业储蓄银行有关集美,远东商务,美灵登,上海美术,金亚,光明霓虹,联合,华商等广告公司的调查资料1936
36Registration of trademarksRegistration of Trade Marks1928
40Photographs of Economic Activities in Foreign Countries, 1920-1939 (Folder List)Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Photographs of Economic Activities in Foreign Countries, 1920-1939 (Folder List)1920
43Driving rules in Shanghai (1930)Rules and Regulations for Driving Motor Vehicles1930
72Ratio of passable roads in and around Shanghai to total automobile registration 1902-1924Ratio of passable roads in and around Shanghai to total automobile registration (graph)1924
90Automobile clubs in ChinaRequest for information concerning automobile clubs1935
111Motor Vehicle Registrations in Shanghai French Concession (1940)Registration Figures for French Concession1940
176Dismerits of Bills Motors' Chevrolet Roadster 7858Re Chevrolet Roadster 78581930
270Sanger's weekly reportReport of J.W. Sanger for week ending June 19, 19201920
316Improving American trade with China (original report)Report "Improving American trade with China"1917
337Racial Riots in ShanghaiRacial Riots in Shanghai1918
349Canvas Rubber-Soled Footwear Trade in ChinaRubber Footwear Trade Notes1924
459Potentialities of China as a market for radiosRadios1932
460Rolled Tobacco Tax Bureau PublicationRolled Tobacco Tax Bureau Publication1932
484Remission of Dutch Boxer IndemnityRemission of Dutch Boxer Indemnity1933
494Regulations for public utilities operated by private companiesRegulations for public utilities operated by private companies1933
507Registrations of new motor vehicles in Shanghai, International Settlement Registrations of new motor vehicles - International Settlement 1933
510Registrations of new motor vehicles in Shanghai, International Settlement Registrations of new motor vehicles - International Settlement 1933
554Registrations of new motor vehicles in Shanghai, International SettlementRegistrations of New Motor Vehicles, International Settlement, Shanghai1937
566Radio developments in ChinaRadio developments in China (Follow up on Radio Markets Series Questionnaire)1937
603Radio broadcasting in ChinaRadio broadcasting notes1939
608Registration of new motor vehicles in Shanghai, International SettlementRegistration of new Motor Vehicles, International Settlement, Shanghai, China1939
610Military and Political Events in China in 1938Resume of Military and Political Events in China in 19381939
617Registration of new motor vehicles in Shanghai, International Settlement (March 1939)Registration of New Motor Vehicles, International Settlement, Shanghai, China1939
651Motion picture market in ChinaRevision of World Motion Picture Data - 1939 1939
655Registration of new motor vehicles in Shanghai, International SettlementRegistration of new motor vehicles, International Settlement, Shanghai1939
656Foreign Trade Commission reportReport of Foreign Trade Commission, October 1937, to December 19391939
673Motor vehicles registered in Shanghai, International SettlementRegistration of "New" Motor Vehicles. International Settlement, Shanghai1940
680Film censorship regulationsRegulation Governing Film Censorship Promulgated By the "Reformed Government of China"1940
693Rubber Comb Exports to Latin AmericanRubber Comb Exports to Latin American1927
701Prohibition of foreign photographic practices in ChinaRules Prohibiting Foreigners from taking Photographs in China. Restrictions on the taking of photographs by Foreigners in China1937
707Translation of Health Products Corporation's advertising in ChinaRequest by Health Products Corporation1926
731Circulations between China and the Haiphong Chamber of CommerceReport of the Haiphong Chamber of Commerce1919
744Dairen (Dalian) Chamber of Commerce's request for exchange of publicationsRequest for Exchange of Publications1935
747Circulation of economic surveys and business materialsRequest for Copies of the Publications related to the International Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers in the United States1945
751American manufacturers of milk in ChinaReport of Trade in Milk Products, by American Consul at Hongkong1925
777East Indies market for Coca-Cola Request of C.P. Swan, Coca Cola Company. Trade Opportunity for Coca-Cola1927
782Soda fountains in Great BritainRequest from Coca-Cola Co. of New for Trade Lists1928
793Hong Kong market for aerated watersReport on Aerated Water in Hong Kong1931
797Market for toilet soaps in North ChinaRequest of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company. Inquiry of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co.. Re - Toilet Soap Industry in North China. Questionnaire of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co. Re: Toilet Soap Industry in North China. Native Soap Industry in North China. 1931
806Calder's speech at the Annual Foreign Trade DinnerRemarks made by A. Bland Calder, Assistant Commercial Attache at the Annual Foreign Trade Dinner of the American Chamber of Commerce holed at the American Club, Shanghai, China, 8 p.m., Friday, May 24, 19401940
843Directors' Meeting of the American Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, ChinaReport on the American Chamber of Commerce Directors' Meeting in Shanghai1947
844Roster of American Personnel, American Consulate, Shanghai, ChinaRoster of American consular Personnel in Shanghai1949
847Memorandum regarding the Retirement benefits of the American employees of the International Settlement at Shanghai, ChinaRetired American employees at the Shanghai Municipal Council (SMC)1950
864North and west China. Descriptive Reports of Arnold's tour in North and West China 1910
875Règlement sur les affiches. Annexe 1 au Bulletin de Communication du 24 juin 1938. Règlement sur les affiches dans la Concession française, Shanghai1938
876Règlement sur les enseignes. Annexe 2 au Bulletin de Communication du 24 juin 1938Règlement sur les enseignes dans la Concession française, Shanghai1938
877Règlement sur les panneaux-réclames. Annexe 3 au Bulletin de Communication du 24 juin 1938Règlement sur les panneaux-réclames dans la Concession française, Shanghai1938
884Covers Encasing Hood Rickshaw advertising: Bercott's application1930
902Rotary Club of Shanghai. Roster. March 1948Roster of the Shanghai Rotary Club1948
903Roster of the Shanghai Rotary Club. July 1, 1930Roster of the Shanghai Rotary Club (1930)1930
984Règlements sur la publicité (divers)Regulation of advertising in the French Concession (miscellaneous)1928
1089Neon Light Signs (General). Restriction of Coloured Lighting for Advertising PurposesRestriction of Colored Lighting for Advertising Purposes1931
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