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ID Name Title Title [cn] Year 
2J.W.T NewsletterSatisfying Everybody1928
4Carl Crow Papers (1913-1945)State Historical Society of Missouri1913
29Shanghai as a shipping, industrial centerShanghai as a shipping, industrial center and the proposed construction of a new civic center1931
46Motion pictures houses in Shanghai (1930)Supplement to report on Importation, use and distribution of motion picture films in China (completed June 6, 1930)1930
47Shanghai as a shipping centerShanghai as a shipping center 1929
55Shanghai Motor CensusShanghai Motor Census1922
58Revised motor vehicles census of ChinaSpecial circular no.229 - Automotive Division. Revised motor vehicles census of China. (Assistant Trade Commissioner A. Viola,  Smith,  Shanghai, February 14, 1923)1923
61List of cars and trucks in North ChinaSpecial circular no.277-automotive division (Confidential). Partial list of cars and trucks in North China (submitted by Consul G.C. Hanson, Harbin, China, May 24, 1923, through the courtesy of F.F. Spielman, General Manager of E.W. Frazar & Company a1923
62British car sold in HongkongSpecial circular no.305-automotive division (Confidential). British car sold in Hongkong at factory list price.1923
65Registration of passengers cars an trucks in HongkongSpecial circular no. 354 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration of passengers cars an trucks in the colony of Hongkong to June 30, 1923. 1923
67Registration of motor vehicles in ShanghaiSpecial circular no. 417 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration of motor vehicles in Shanghai on November 15, 1923. 1924
68Registration of motor vehicles in HarbinSpecial circular no. 419 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration of passenger cars and trucks in the Harbin, China, Consular district1924
70Motor vehicle registrations in ChinaSpecial circular no. 433 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Total motor vehicle registrations in China, January 1, 19241924
71Motor vehicle registrations in TianjinSpecial circular no. 442 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration of passenger cars and motor cycles in the city of Tientsin, China, January 1, 19241924
73Motor vehicle registrations in Tianjin and BeijingSpecial circular no. 538 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration by makes in Tientsin and total registrations for Peking and all of China,19241925
77Registration of motor vehicles in HankouSpecial circular no. 577 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration of passenger cars and trucks in the city of Hankow, China, at the end of 19241925
78Motor vehicle registrations in ChinaSpecial circular no. 786 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Approximate total registration of passenger cars, trucks, ambulances, fire fighting equipment, and motor cycles in China, as of August 19261926
87Shanghai Photographic ViewsShanghai Photographic Views1932
101Small car representation Small car representation 1936
129China's imports and exports in which America's trade is a factor (1937-1938)Sheets for December 15 Edition of China Monthly Trade Report1938
153Selling the Opel Car in ChinaSelling the Opel Car in China1932
162Automotive survey in Shanghai in 1933 Special Report. "Automotive survey" (Questionnqire 321). Year ending December 31, 19331934
163Motor Vehicle Registration in Shanghai International SettlementSpecial Report. Motor Vehicle Registration - International Settlement. Quarter ending December 31, 19331934
164Periodic Automotive ReportsSpecial Report. Motor Vehicle Registration - International Settlement. Quarter ending December 31, 19331934
165Automotive survey in Shanghai in 1934Special Report. "Automotive survey" (Questionnaire 321). Quarter ending June 30, 19341934
200Sales of Chevrolet in Mukden (Shenyang)Sale of 100 Chevrolet Chassis1929
217Shanghai Declared Export Returns Shanghai Declared Export Returns 1924
247Shanghai Automobile ShowShanghai Automobile Show1921
254Industrial Museum at Swatow (Shantou, Guandong)Special Circular No. 184 - Division of Regional Information. An Industrial Museum at Swatow1929
262Shanghai Dairy ShowShanghai Dairy Show. Exhibition of Bulls and Cows1936
290Series of audits and inquiries made on CCAA (1929-1940)Series of audits and inquiries made on CCAA by various banks and audit firms (1929-1940)“近十年中国之广告事业”(中央文). 上海商业储蓄银行有关集美,远东商务,美灵登,上海美术,金亚,光明霓虹,联合,华商等广告公司的调查资料1936
305War effects on foreign imports in QingdaoSource of foreign imports into Tsingtau, China, and the effect of the war1915
311Securing Trade Connections in ChinaSecuring Trade Connections in China1916
317Suggested Research Bureau for Foreign Trade ClubsSuggested Research Bureau for Foreign Trade Clubs1917
322Andersen, Meyer Co. and South China as a field for American enterpriseSouth China as a Field for American Enterprise1917
323Commercial Significance of selection of men for military service in China (Basset's memo)Selection of Men for Military Service in China - Commercial Significance1917
345Semi-monthly trade and economic report for China (February 15, 1922)Semi-monthly Trade and Economic Report for China - 15 February, 1922 ( By Commercial Attache Julean Arnold)1922
351Substitute for Quarterly ReviewSubstitute for Quarterly Review1924
380Shanghai Land Values Shanghai Land Values Compared with those of other Large World Cities1931
416American branch factories in ShanghaiSpecial Report. Questionnaire #317 - American Branch Factories Abroad1931
417China market for milk (evaporated, condensed and powdered) Special Report. Half Yearly Report on Evaporated, Condensed and Powdered Milk - China Market 1931
418Shanghai Knitting IndustrySpecial Report. Shanghai Knitting Industry - Industrial Survey1931
419Cigarette production, imports and consumption in ChinaSpecial Report. Cigarette production and imports, Shanghai, January to May, inclusive, 1931, and Outlook for future consumption in China1931
420Annual automobile tire report for ChinaSpecial Report. Annual automobile tire report (Questionnaire 202)1931
421Tobacco and cigarette market in ShanghaiSpecial Report. Shanghai Tobacco and Cigarette Market conditions - July 19, 19311931
422Motor fuel market in ChinaSpecial Report. Motor fuels in foreign countries (Questionnaire 322)1931
423Motor vehicle registrations in Shanghai, French ConcessionSpecial Report. Automotive survey (Questionnaire 242 - Revised - No. 321). Half year ending June 30, 19311931
424Motor vehicle registrations in Shanghai, International SettlementSpecial Report. Automotive survey (Questionnaire 242 - Revised - No. 321). Half year ending June 30, 19311931
425Electric Motor Regulation and Practice in ShanghaiSpecial Report. Ques. #325 - "Electric Motor Regulation and Practice"1932
426Wool production in ChinaSpecial Report. Ques. #333 - "Annual World Wool Production & Number of Sheep in the world"1932
427Shanghai market for flavoring extracts Special Report. Shanghai Market for Flavoring Extracts - Questionnaire No. 3301932
428Motor vehicles registered in Shanghai International Settlement (December 1931)Special Report. Motor Vehicles Registrations - International Settlement - Quarter ending December 31, 19311932
429Insulating materials for building and construction in ChinaSpecial Report. "Insulating materials for building and construction" - Ques. #3291932
430Shanghai leather market in 1931Special Report. Review of Shanghai Leather Market 19311932
431Shanghai Paper Market in 1931Special Report. Review of the Shanghai Paper Market during 19311932
432Building construction activities in China during 1931Special Report. Building construction activities in China during 19311932
437C.N.A.C. and Eurasia Aviation CorporationSpecial Report. The Eurasia Aviation Corporation (Some competitive aspects)1932
438Gasoline and kerosene market in HongkongSpecial Report. Quarterly Gasoline and Kerosene Report (Original to shanghai for use in the Quarterly Gasoline Survey Covering all China)1932
439Gasoline and kerosene market in Mukden (Shenyang)Special Report. Quarterly Kerosene and Gasoline Report1932
440Xiamen Airport (Fujian) in 1932Special Report. Airport - Amoy, China1932
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