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ID Name Title Title [cn] Year 
2J.W.T NewsletterSatisfying Everybody1928
3J.W.T News Bulletin1916
4Carl Crow Papers (1913-1945)State Historical Society of Missouri1913
5Norwood F. Allman Papers (1929-1987)Hoover Institution Archives
6Julean Herbert Arnold Papers (1905-1946)Hoover Institution Archives
7Alonzo Bland Calder Papers (1911-1956)Hoover Institution Archives
8Walking to my office in ShanghaiJulean Herbert Arnold Papers (1905-1946)1936
9North China Daily News: History and Inventory (1856-1951)
11Advertising meets war and survivesCarl Crow Papers (1913-1945)1939
29Shanghai as a shipping, industrial centerShanghai as a shipping, industrial center and the proposed construction of a new civic center1931
30Advertising in ShanghaiAdvertising in Shanghai1932
33Advertising media and methods (III)Advertising media and methods. Supplementing report dated June 15, 19271927
34Advertising media and methods (II)Advertising media and methods. Supplementing report dated June 15, 19271927
35Advertising media and methods (I)Preliminary report on Advertising media and methods1927
36Registration of trademarksRegistration of Trade Marks1928
37Automotive census for ChinaAutomotive census for China (including Hongkong and Dairen) as of January 1, 1929, preliminary report compiled from figures submitted by American Consular offices throughout China1929
38Import and use of automotive vehicles in China The import and use of automotive vehicles in China (Compiled from data submitted by the various consular officers stationed throughout China)1929
39Concrete results of trade promotionConcrete results of trade promotion work at Shanghai, China1929
40Photographs of Economic Activities in Foreign Countries, 1920-1939 (Folder List)Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Photographs of Economic Activities in Foreign Countries, 1920-1939 (Folder List)1920
41Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic CommercePreliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (Record Group 151)1963
42List of the main garages and hire car operators in Shanghai (1929)The import and use of automotive vehicles in China (compiled from data submitted by the various consular officers stationed throughout China and collected by the Shanghai Consulate General)1929
43Driving rules in Shanghai (1930)Rules and Regulations for Driving Motor Vehicles1930
44Motion pictures in China (1930)Importation, use and distribution of motion picture films in China1930
45American firms in Shanghai (1930)List of American firms at Shanghai, China1930
46Motion pictures houses in Shanghai (1930)Supplement to report on Importation, use and distribution of motion picture films in China (completed June 6, 1930)1930
47Shanghai as a shipping centerShanghai as a shipping center 1929
48The declining automotive trade in ChinaThe declining automotive trade in China (Compiled from data submitted by the various consular officers stationed throughout China and collected by the Shanghai Consulate General)1931
49Motion pictures in China (1931)Motion pictures in China (Compiled from data submitted by the various consular officers stationed throughout China and collected by the Shanghai Consulate General)1931
50American firms in Shanghai (1931)List of American firms in Shanghai as of June 30, 19311931
51American firms in Shanghai (1933)List of American firms, professional men, missions, institutions, et cetera in Shanghai, China, as of August 15, 19331933
52The motion picture industry in China (1932)The motion picture industry in China1932
53Inauguration of the China Foreign Trade AssociationThe inauguration of the China Foreign Trade Association1931
54China Monthly Trade Report (Nov.1, 1931)China Monthly Trade Report. Compiled in China by the Foreign Commerce Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce, in cooperation with the Foreign Service of the Department of State. Issue of November 1, 1931. 1931
55Shanghai Motor CensusShanghai Motor Census1922
56Census of motor cars in ChinaCensus of Motor Cars in China1922
57Motor car census of Peking, Tientsin and KalganMotor car census of Peking, Tientsin and Kalgan1922
58Revised motor vehicles census of ChinaSpecial circular no.229 - Automotive Division. Revised motor vehicles census of China. (Assistant Trade Commissioner A. Viola,  Smith,  Shanghai, February 14, 1923)1923
59Chinese-made automobiles Manufacture of automobiles in China 1923
60Automobile in the OrientAutomobile in the Orient1923
61List of cars and trucks in North ChinaSpecial circular no.277-automotive division (Confidential). Partial list of cars and trucks in North China (submitted by Consul G.C. Hanson, Harbin, China, May 24, 1923, through the courtesy of F.F. Spielman, General Manager of E.W. Frazar & Company a1923
62British car sold in HongkongSpecial circular no.305-automotive division (Confidential). British car sold in Hongkong at factory list price.1923
63Automotive PublicityAutomotive Publicity1923
64Automotive sections of the press in ChinaAutomotive sections of the press in China1923
65Registration of passengers cars an trucks in HongkongSpecial circular no. 354 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration of passengers cars an trucks in the colony of Hongkong to June 30, 1923. 1923
66Automotive situation in TianjinLincoln Motor Car1924
67Registration of motor vehicles in ShanghaiSpecial circular no. 417 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration of motor vehicles in Shanghai on November 15, 1923. 1924
68Registration of motor vehicles in HarbinSpecial circular no. 419 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration of passenger cars and trucks in the Harbin, China, Consular district1924
69Automotive situation in TianjinAutomotive situation in Tientsin1924
70Motor vehicle registrations in ChinaSpecial circular no. 433 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Total motor vehicle registrations in China, January 1, 19241924
71Motor vehicle registrations in TianjinSpecial circular no. 442 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration of passenger cars and motor cycles in the city of Tientsin, China, January 1, 19241924
72Ratio of passable roads in and around Shanghai to total automobile registration 1902-1924Ratio of passable roads in and around Shanghai to total automobile registration (graph)1924
73Motor vehicle registrations in Tianjin and BeijingSpecial circular no. 538 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration by makes in Tientsin and total registrations for Peking and all of China,19241925
74Discrimination against the Dragon Motor Car Company in HongkongBritish discrimination against American motor cars1925
75Market for used automobiles in ChinaMarket for used automobiles in China1925
76Charges in connection with automotive shipmentsCharges in connection with automotive shipments1925
77Registration of motor vehicles in HankouSpecial circular no. 577 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Registration of passenger cars and trucks in the city of Hankow, China, at the end of 19241925
78Motor vehicle registrations in ChinaSpecial circular no. 786 - Automotive Division (Confidential). Approximate total registration of passenger cars, trucks, ambulances, fire fighting equipment, and motor cycles in China, as of August 19261926
79Questionaire re left hand drive on motor vehicles in ShanghaiMotor vehicles fitted with left hand drive1926
80Packard Motors Export CorporationPackard Motors Export Corporation1927
81Periodic reporting of automotive trade complaintsPeriodic reporting of automotive trade complaints1927
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