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ID: 2

J.W.T Newsletter

Title: Satisfying Everybody

Year: 1928


ID: 3

J.W.T News Bulletin

Year: 1916


ID: 4

Carl Crow Papers (1913-1945)

Title: State Historical Society of Missouri

Year: 1913


ID: 5

Norwood F. Allman Papers (1929-1987)

Title: Hoover Institution Archives


ID: 6

Julean Herbert Arnold Papers (1905-1946)

Title: Hoover Institution Archives


ID: 7

Alonzo Bland Calder Papers (1911-1956)

Title: Hoover Institution Archives


ID: 8

Walking to my office in Shanghai

Title: Walking to my office in Shanghai

Year: 1936


ID: 9

North China Daily News: History and Inventory (1856-1951)


ID: 11

Advertising meets war and survives

Title: Carl Crow Papers (1913-1945)

Year: 1939


ID: 12

Letter from Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Limited to The Continental Illlinois Bank & Trust Co, Chicago (and other audits)

Title: Letter from Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Limited to The Continental Illlinois Bank & Trust Co, Chicago. Investigation on two Shanghai-based advertising agencies - Consolidated National Advertising Co. and Carl Crow, Inc.

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1930


ID: 13

Letter from Tokyo Koshinjo, Limited to Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Limited

Title: Letter from Tokyo Koshinjo, Limited to Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, Limited. Investigation on two Shanghai-based advertising agencies - Consolidated National Advertising Co. and Carl Crow, Inc.

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1930


ID: 14

Letter from Wilfred S.B. Wong to Y. Lewis Mason, dated October 1st, 1941

Title: Letter from Wilfred S.B. Wong (America Advertising Corporation) to Y. Lewis Mason (Consolidated National Advertising Co.) dated October 1st, 1941. Receipt covering September's rental for the billboard at Bubbling Well and Moulmien Road

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1941


ID: 15

Letter from Y. Lewis Mason to Wilfred S.B. Wong, dated September 8th, 1941

Title: Letter from Y. Lewis Mason (Consolidated National Advertising Co.) to Wilfred S.B. Wong (America Advertising Corporation), dated September 8th, 1941. Painting of new billboard at Bubbling Well and Moulmien Road

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1941


ID: 16

Shanghai bank (上海銀行), Investigation on the Consolidated National Advertising Co. dated October 15, 1936

Title: Investigation on the Consolidated National Advertising Co. made by the Shanghai bank 上海銀行, dated October 15, 1936

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1936


ID: 17

Correspondence of the Consolidated National Advertising Co. (miscellaneous)

Title: Memorandum and letters related to the Consolidated National Advertising Co. dated October 26, 1932-July 15, 1937

Title [cn]: 徐永祚会计师事务所关于联合广告公司登记

Year: 1932


ID: 18

Correspondence of the Consolidated National Advertising Co. (Letter from the Continental Bank)

Title: Letter from the Continental Bank to the Consolidated National Advertising Co., dated May 17, 1947

Title [cn]: 联合商业储蓄银行总会致津会

Year: 1947


ID: 19

Shanghai bank (上海銀行), Investigation on the Kwang Ming Neon Light Co. dated December 26-30, 1936

Title: Investigation on the Kwang Ming Neon Light Co. made by the Shanghai bank 上海銀行, dated December 26-30, 1936

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1936


ID: 20

Shanghai bank (上海銀行), Investigation on the Keenad, Inc., dated February 4-7, 1941

Title: Investigation on the Keenad, Inc. (金亞廣告公司) made by the Shanghai bank 上海銀行, dated February 4-7, 1941

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1941


ID: 21

Shanghai bank (上海銀行), Investigation on the Union Advertising Co, Ltd., dated April 24-May 7, 1937

Title: Investigation on the Union Advertising Co, Ltd. (聯華廣告公司) made by the Shanghai bank 上海銀行, dated April 24-May 7, 1937

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1937


ID: 22

Shanghai bank (上海銀行), Investigation on the Shanghai Art Advertising & Illustrating Co., dated April 19, 1934

Title: Investigation on the Shanghai Art Advertising & Illustrating Co. (上海美術廣告公司) made by the Shanghai bank 上海銀行, dated April 19, 1934

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1934


ID: 23

Shanghai bank (上海銀行), Investigation on the Far Eastern Commercial Advertising Co., dated January 16, 1935

Title: Investigation on the Far Eastern Commercial Advertising Co. (遠東商務廣告公司) made by the Shanghai bank 上海銀行, dated January 16, 1935

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1935


ID: 24

Shanghai bank (上海銀行), Investigation on the Jimmy Advertising Co., dated September 5, 1941

Title: Investigation on the Jimmy Advertising Co. (集美廣告公司) made by the Shanghai bank 上海銀行, dated September 5, 1941

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1941


ID: 25

Shanghai bank (上海銀行), Investigation on the Jingyi (Jingji) Company, dated June 25-July 3, 1935

Title: Investigation on the Jingyi/Jingji Company 景藝/景記公司, made by the Shanghai bank 上海銀行, dated June 25-July 3, 1935

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1935


ID: 26

Investigation on Lin & Langley sent to the French Commercial Attache dated May 27, 1933

Title: Investigation on Lin & Langley, advertising agents, sent to the French Commercial Attache dated May 27, 1933

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1933


ID: 27

Investigations on various advertising agencies, dated 1951

Title: Investigations on various advertising agencies, 1951

Title [cn]: 上海商业储蓄银行有关广告业调查资料

Year: 1951


ID: 28

Recording a Decade of "Service and Progress" (1926-1936)

Title: Recording a Decade of "Service and Progress" (1926-1936). Self-promotional booklet published for the tenth anniversary of the China Commercial Advertising Company

Title [cn]: “近十年中国之广告事业”(中央文). 上海商业储蓄银行有关集美,远东商务,美灵登,上海美术,金亚,光明霓虹,联合,华商等广告公司的调查资料

Year: 1936


ID: 29

Shanghai as a shipping, industrial center

Title: Shanghai as a shipping, industrial center and the proposed construction of a new civic center

Year: 1931


ID: 30

Advertising in Shanghai

Title: Advertising in Shanghai

Year: 1932


ID: 33

Advertising media and methods (III)

Title: Advertising media and methods. Supplementing report dated June 15, 1927

Year: 1927


ID: 34

Advertising media and methods (II)

Title: Advertising media and methods. Supplementing report dated June 15, 1927

Year: 1927


ID: 35

Advertising media and methods (I)

Title: Preliminary report on Advertising media and methods

Year: 1927


ID: 36

Registration of trademarks

Title: Registration of Trade Marks

Year: 1928


ID: 37

Automotive census for China

Title: Automotive census for China (including Hongkong and Dairen) as of January 1, 1929, preliminary report compiled from figures submitted by American Consular offices throughout China

Year: 1929


ID: 38

Import and use of automotive vehicles in China

Title: The import and use of automotive vehicles in China (Compiled from data submitted by the various consular officers stationed throughout China)

Year: 1929


ID: 39

Concrete results of trade promotion

Title: Concrete results of trade promotion work at Shanghai, China

Year: 1929


ID: 40

Photographs of Economic Activities in Foreign Countries, 1920-1939 (Folder List)

Title: Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Photographs of Economic Activities in Foreign Countries, 1920-1939 (Folder List)

Year: 1920


ID: 41

Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce

Title: Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (Record Group 151)

Year: 1963


ID: 42

List of the main garages and hire car operators in Shanghai (1929)

Title: The import and use of automotive vehicles in China (compiled from data submitted by the various consular officers stationed throughout China and collected by the Shanghai Consulate General)

Year: 1929


ID: 43

Driving rules in Shanghai (1930)

Title: Rules and Regulations for Driving Motor Vehicles

Year: 1930


ID: 44

Motion pictures in China (1930)

Title: Importation, use and distribution of motion picture films in China

Year: 1930


ID: 45

American firms in Shanghai (1930)

Title: List of American firms at Shanghai, China

Year: 1930


ID: 46

Motion pictures houses in Shanghai (1930)

Title: Supplement to report on Importation, use and distribution of motion picture films in China (completed June 6, 1930)

Year: 1930


ID: 47

Shanghai as a shipping center

Title: Shanghai as a shipping center

Year: 1929


ID: 48

The declining automotive trade in China

Title: The declining automotive trade in China (Compiled from data submitted by the various consular officers stationed throughout China and collected by the Shanghai Consulate General)

Year: 1931


ID: 49

Motion pictures in China (1931)

Title: Motion pictures in China (Compiled from data submitted by the various consular officers stationed throughout China and collected by the Shanghai Consulate General)

Year: 1931


ID: 50

American firms in Shanghai (1931)

Title: List of American firms in Shanghai as of June 30, 1931

Year: 1931


ID: 51

American firms in Shanghai (1933)

Title: List of American firms, professional men, missions, institutions, et cetera in Shanghai, China, as of August 15, 1933

Year: 1933


ID: 52

The motion picture industry in China (1932)

Title: The motion picture industry in China

Year: 1932


ID: 53

Inauguration of the China Foreign Trade Association

Title: The inauguration of the China Foreign Trade Association

Year: 1931


ID: 54

China Monthly Trade Report (Nov.1, 1931)

Title: China Monthly Trade Report. Compiled in China by the Foreign Commerce Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce, in cooperation with the Foreign Service of the Department of State. Issue of November 1, 1931.

Year: 1931


ID: 55

Shanghai Motor Census

Title: Shanghai Motor Census

Year: 1922


ID: 56

Census of motor cars in China

Title: Census of Motor Cars in China

Year: 1922


ID: 57

Motor car census of Peking, Tientsin and Kalgan

Title: Motor car census of Peking, Tientsin and Kalgan

Year: 1922


ID: 58

Revised motor vehicles census of China

Title: Special circular no.229 - Automotive Division. Revised motor vehicles census of China. (Assistant Trade Commissioner A. Viola,  Smith,  Shanghai, February 14, 1923)

Year: 1923


ID: 59

Chinese-made automobiles

Title: Manufacture of automobiles in China

Year: 1923


ID: 60

Automobile in the Orient

Title: Automobile in the Orient

Year: 1923


ID: 61

List of cars and trucks in North China

Title: Special circular no.277-automotive division (Confidential). Partial list of cars and trucks in North China (submitted by Consul G.C. Hanson, Harbin, China, May 24, 1923, through the courtesy of F.F. Spielman, General Manager of E.W. Frazar & Company a

Year: 1923


ID: 62

British car sold in Hongkong

Title: Special circular no.305-automotive division (Confidential). British car sold in Hongkong at factory list price.

Year: 1923


ID: 63

Automotive Publicity

Title: Automotive Publicity

Year: 1923


ID: 64

Automotive sections of the press in China

Title: Automotive sections of the press in China

Year: 1923

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