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Image ID Title Date Estimated date 

34255Billboard advertising Venus cigarette (維納斯 Weinaisi) in Shanghai in 1948January 19481948

34256Billboard advertising "My Dear" cigarette during military parade in Shanghai in 1936

34257Signboard advertising cigarette in a flooded street in Shanghai before 1911

34258Painted wall advertising Horse Shoe Cigarette 馬蹄牌 (matipai) at a crossroad in 1948

34259Billboards advertising Million Dollar Cigarette (大百萬金), 直貢色丁花布 cotton print and Goose Cotton jersey (鵝棉毛衫) along the RacecourseThursday 1 January 19481948

34260Billboard Green Landscape advertising various brands among which "The Greys" CigaretteJanuary 1948

34261Billboard advertising "The Greys" Cigarette and the movie 太太萬歲 (Taitaiwansui) (Mrs. Ten thousand years)January 1948

34262Billboards advertising Three Cats Cigarette (三貓牌 Sanmaopai) and Three Bells Rubber Shoes 三鐘老牌 (Sanzhonglaopai), with rickshaws and pedestrians passing by in 1948 January 1948January 1948

34263Billboard advertising Elgin Cigarettes 愛而近 (Ai'erjin) in 1948 (Male version)January 1948

34264Billboard advertising Elgin 愛而近 (Ai'erjin) Cigarette in 1948 (Female version)January 1948

34265Roof billboard advertising "The Brandy" Cigarette (白蘭地 Bailandi) in 1948January 19481948

34266Roof billboard advertising 大號銀行牌 (Dahao yinhangpai) cigarette in 1948January 19481948

34267The Great World covered with billboards and advertising signs January 1948

34268The Great World covered with billboards and advertising signs January 1948

34269Billboard advertising Elgin 愛而近 (Ai'erjin) Cigarette in 1948 (Male version) (2)January 1948

34270Billboard advertising Red Kores Cigarette 紅高樂 (Honggaole) and 414 Towel on the Great World in 1948 January 1948

34271Billboard advertising advertising a movie and 黑牌 (Heipai) cigarette in 1948 January 19481948

34272Acme's billboard advertising "Morris" cars and the Auto Palace Company around 1929

34273Acme's billboards advertising Castillon champagne, Asahi beer and another brand of beer around 19291929

34274Street car advertising a brand of chocolate candy in Shanghai around 19291929

34275Billboards advertising Keds Shoes, Monopole Champagne, and Capstan Cigarette in Shanghai around 19291929

34276Carl Crow's billboard advertising Bourville Cocoa 本味可可粉 (Benwei kekefen) in the 1920s 1920

34277Carl Crow's billboard advertising "The Rat" cigarette, Quaker Oats and other products in the 1920s1920

34278Billboard advertising "Darkie" Toothpaste 黑人牙膏 (Heiren yagao) in Shanghai in 1948 January 19481948

34279Billboards advertising New Year Movies and Diamond Clocks behind a bus stopping place with passengers waitingJanuary 19481948

34280Roof billboards advertising "Three Cats" and "Pyramid" (?) Cigarette in Shanghai 19481948

34295Dense traffic on Szechuen Road bridge1945-1949

34296Huangzi style shopsign for an optician in Shanghai in 19321932

34351Text-oriented signboards advertising Yuan Lung Hao in Tianjin (1921)19211921

34352English-written shop sign in Beijng (1921)19211921

34353Camels and painted signboards advertising cigarette in Beijng (1921)19211921

34354Painted sign along railway, near Tianjin (1921)1921

34355Billboards and Posters in Beijng (1921)19211921

34356Billboards and Posters in Beijng (1921)19211921

34357Chinese lanterns in the red-light district ca. 192019201920-1939

34358Congested traffic on a rainy day in a flooded street along the Racecourse in 194019401940

34359Tramways carrying advertisement in a Chinese street ca. 193019321932

34360Flags and banners encroaching on Fuzhou Road ca. 192019201920

34361Trolleys carrying advertisements in Nanjing Road in the 1930s19301930-1940

34362Banners, signboards and lanterns encroaching on a narrow crowded street in 193719371937

34363Trolleys carrying advertisements in Jiujiang Road in the 1920s19201920

34364Trolleys carrying advertisement for Hai-Alai in 194619461946

34365Women looking at the spectacular billboards along the Racecourse in 1948January 1948January 1948

34366Goose-style and package-style advertisements for Goose Cotton Jersey and The Greys cigarette before a row billboards along the Racecourse in 1948January 1948January 1948

34367Passers-by looking at the spectacular billboards along the Racecourse in 1948January 1948

34368Billboards advertising a Chinese movie and the Greys cigarettes along the Racecourse in 1948January 1948

34369Passers-by reading a bill posted on a billboard advertising "Pegasus brand" (飛馬牌 feimapai) in 1948 January 19481948

34370Wall Hoarding advertising Gibbs Castile Toilet Soap (㓗士香皂 Jieshi xiangzao) in 1948January 19481948

34371Roof billboard advertising "Elegant" Vanishing Cream (嫩靣香品雅霜 Nenmian xiangpin yashuang) at a major crossroadJanuary 19481948

34372Billboard advertising a brand of textile in course of erection or repainting in 1948January 19481948

34373Shanghai nightscape in a rainy night on Nanjing Road in 193619361936

34374Omnibus advertisement in Shanghai ca. 1920s19201920

34375Wall Hoarding advertising Gibbs Castile Toilet Soap (㓗士香皂 Jieshi xiangzao) in 1948 (face)January 19481948

34376Wall hoarding advertising Guchiling toothpaste (固歯靈牙膏 Guchiling yagao) next to a Caltex service station in 1948January 19481948

34377Wall hoarding advertising Lux Toilet Soap (力士香皂 Lishixiangzao) and featuring American actress Jean Parker in 1948January 19481948

34380Mumm Cafe & Finnemore's Bar (right), in what appears to be the (in)famous "Blood Alley” 1930

34381Hoardings advertising movies and cigarette in the French Concession October 19321932

34382Banners in a narrow street in Shanghai October 19321932

34383Signboards advertising several bars (Royal, Crystal Cafe) and truck advertising NBS Beer in Blood Alley1930

34384Congested Street in Shanghai19401938-1943
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