printID ![]() ![]() | Title ![]() ![]() | Year ![]() ![]() | Type ![]() ![]() | Author(s) ![]() ![]() | Language ![]() ![]() | Keywords ![]() ![]() |
2 | Advertising in China | 1929 | Journal article | Bacon, C.A. | English | advertising, report, China, journalist, Shanghai, agency, press, journal |
3 | The Essentials of Advertising | 1921 | Book | Blanchard, Frank Le Roy | English | advertising, handbook, essential, america |
4 | Advertising and Merchandising | 1926 | Book chapter | Arnold, Julean Herbert; Crow, Carl | English | handbook, commercial, advertising, merchandising, crow, arnold |
5 | Engraving and printing methods, advertisement illustration, technical- and trade-paper advertising, street-car advertising, outdoor advertising, house publications | 1909 | Book | International Textbook Company | English | handbook, advertising, engraving, printing, street car, trade-paper, outdoor, house, technical, illustration, method |
6 | Advertising methods in Japan, China, and the Philippines | 1921 | Book | Sanger, J. | English | advertising, report, method, China, Japan, Philippines, commerce, department, washington, special, agent, |
7 | Four hundred million customers the experiences -- some happy, some sad, of an American in China, and what they taught him | 1937 | Book | Crow, Carl | English | advertising, customers, million, experience, China, Crow |
8 | The Merchant's Advertising Problem | 1936 | Journal article | Diespecker, L.C. | English | advertising, problem, press, China, merchant |
9 | Foreign Trade and Advertising | 1936 | Journal article | Kuo, P.W. | English | advertising, foreign, trade, history, press |
10 | Newspapers as an Advertising Medium in China | 1936 | Journal article | Tong, Hollington K. | English | advertising, newspaper, modern, medium, China |
11 | An Analytical Study of Advertisements in Chinese Newspapers | 1923 | Journal article | Unknown | English | advertisement, newspaper, china, study, products, type, space, qinghua, university, beijing |
12 | Advertising: Its principles, practice, and technique | 1914 | Book | Starch, Daniel | English | advertising, principles, handbook, america |
13 | 广告学 (Guanggao xue) | 1946 | Book | 吴铁声 (WU Tiesheng), 朱胜愉 (ZHU Shengyu) | Chinese | handbook, advertising, china, psychology |
14 | The psychology of advertising. A simple exposition of the principles of psychology in their relation to successful advertising, | 1913 | Book | Scott, Walter Dill | English | advertising, psychology, handbook, application, practical, successful |
15 | 广告学概论 (Guanggao xue gailun) [Principles of advertising] | 1929 | Book | 苏上达 (SU Shangda) | Chinese | advertising, handbook, principles, china, medium, campaign, economy |
16 | 广告学ABC (Guanggao ABC) | 1928 | Book | 蒯世勋 (KUAI Shixun) | Chinese | Advertising, handbook, china |
17 | 广告 (Guanggao) | 1940 | Book | 陆梅僧 (LU Meiseng) | Chinese | advertising, handbook, practical, professional, China, shanghai, illustration |
18 | History of the Chinese Press (中國報學史 Zhonguo baoxue shi) | 1919 | Book | 戈公振 (Ge Gongzhen), 胡道静 (Hu Daojing) | Chinese | history, journalism, china |
19 | Outdoor, street-car, and radio advertising | 1936 | Book | Hoyle, John T. | English | advertising, handbook, outdoor, street-car, radio |
20 | Outdoor Advertising -- the Modern Marketing Force: A Manual for business Men and Others Interested in the Fundamentals of Outdoor Advertising | 1928 | Book | Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Inc. | English | advertising, handbook, outdoor, association, modern, business |
21 | How to advertise a guide to designing, laying out, and composing advertisements | 1917 | Book | French, George | English | handbook, advertising, printed, design, layout, composition, technical |
22 | A circulation census. Increase in Chinese readers: Distribution Statistics | 1933 | Journal article | Thomson & Co. (Chartered Accountants) | English | North China Herald, newspaper, chinese, reader, distribution, census, circulation, statistics, nationality, bookstore, subsciption |
23 | Recording a Decade of "Service and Progress" (1926-1936) | 1936 | Journal article | Ling, C.P. | English | anniversary, decade, progress, service, china, commercial, advertising, agency, ling, article, booklet, self-promotion |
25 | Monster Neon Sign Reveals Faith in City. "Beehive" Light Display Said Second Largest Structure in World. | 1938 | Journal article | English | neon; city; light; Claude; gigantism; spectacle | |
26 | Making your Products Widely Known in China Will Open Her Market | 1920 | Journal article | Chun Mei News Agency, Advertising Department | English | advertising, agency, advertisement, appeal, appropriation, artist, campaign, copy-writer, expert, investigator, men, press, periodical, Crow, China, United States, report, sale, science, service, stage, trade, waste, interwar |
28 | Masonic Funeral Is Held For Crawshaw. Local Lodge Directs Rites At Hungjiao Cemetery | 1933 | Journal article | Anonymous | English | Acme, funeral, masonic, Shanghai, Crawshaw, cemetery, Hungjiao |
29 | Drawings of Three Cars Prizes At Shanghai Auto Show To Be Made in Last Dazzling Days of Exhibit | 1927 | Journal article | Anonymous | English | Acme, Crawshaw, car, drawing, exhibit, show, prize, Shanghai, week-end, interwar |
31 | Agency Men, Newsmen Have Get-Together. Leading Advertising Men And Newspaper Executives Meet At Dinner | 1933 | Journal article | Anonymous | English | advertising, association, newspaper, men, executive, leader, meeting, dinner, Consolidated Advertising Agency, Vee Loo, Vee Sing, Wai Hua |
33 | Lings Entertain For Newcomer At Cocktails | 1936 | Journal article | Anonymous | English | advertising, manager, cocktail, entertainment, newcomer, artist, Australia, Ling, China Commercial Advertising Agency, guest, welcome, terrace, Park, hotel, party, evening, season, summer, interwar |
34 | Mazes Sail On Empress Liner. Japan Continues Trip to Colony, Manila | 1936 | Journal article | Anonymous | English | liner, Japan, colony, Manila, Vancouver, sail, Consolidated Advertising Agency, round-trip |
35 | Law Reports. H.M. Supreme Court. The China Advertising Co. v. Powell Robinson | 1909 | Journal article | Anonymous | English | law, work, plaintiff, defendant, Hickmott, client, China Advertising Company, signboard, painting, wall, order, prewar |
36 | No Title (Jewels Robbery) | 1941 | Journal article | Anonymous | English | China Advertising Agency, robbery, jewel, pistol, war |
37 | China Publishers' Directory: a practical guide to newspapers and periodicals for China advertisers | 1934 | Book | China Commercial Advertising Agency 中國華商廣告公司 | English | advertising, advertisement, advertiser, directory, publisher, newspaper, periodical, province, interwar, circulation, size, type, page |
38 | The advertising agent. His prospects in China | 1919 | Journal article | Carl Crow | English | advertising, agent, agency, association, club, paper, talk, meeting, professional, Crow, China, America, expert, broker, pill, campaign, marketing, information, interwar |
39 | An American newspaper for Shanghai! | 1928 | Journal article | Carl Crow | English | newspaper, American, British, competition, Crow, press |
40 | The Missouri "News Monopoly" in the Far East | 1927 | Journal article | Millard, Thomas F. | English | newspaper, American, Missouri, monopoly, colony, network, journalism, school, college, Millard, Crow, Fleisher, Bennett, Tong, Manila |
42 | Japan Straddles A Tricky Tiger. The Sage of Shanghai Tells Dai Nippon What to Expect From The "400 Million Customers" | 1938 | Journal article | Carl Crow | English | Japan, war, philosophy, tiger, customer, Crow, capital, prisoner |
44 | Raid Impression. Few soldiers Killed During Chungking Bombings | 1939 | Journal article | Anonymous | English | war, raid, Chungking, Crow, solider, interview |
45 | "The Wasted Half Dollar". Advertisement for Carl Crow, Inc. | 1937 | Book chapter | Carl Crow, Inc. | English | advertising, advertisement, advertiser, directory, newspaper, periodical, self-promotion, value, waste, interwar |
47 | Advertising meets war and survives | 1939 | Journal article | Carl Crow | English | Advertising, business, war, Crow |
48 | Newspaper directory of China (including Hongkong) & advertising manual: an annual data book and technical record for all newspapers and periodicals in China | 1937 | Book | Carl Crow, Inc. | English | advertising, advertisement, advertiser, annual, data, directory, handbook, manual, newspaper, periodical, record, China, Hongkong, interwar |
49 | Newspaper directory of China (including Hongkong) | 1935 | Book | Carl Crow, Inc. | English | advertising, advertisement, advertiser, newspaper, China, Hongkong, interwar |
50 | Newspaper directory of China (including Hongkong) with check list of newspapers and periodicals published in Japan, Chosen, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Siam, Singapore and Federated Malay states | 1931 | Book | Carl Crow, Inc. | English | advertising, advertisement, advertiser, newspaper, periodical, China, Hongkong, Japan, Chosen, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Siam, Singapore, Malay, interwar |
51 | Advertising methods in China | 1919 | Journal article | Fowler, John A. | English | advertising, method, China, commerce, Department, United States, Federal, state, report, trade |
52 | American advertising in China | 1917 | Journal article | Adams, W.A. | English | advertising, China, commerce, Department, United States, Federal, state, report, trade |
55 | Japan and America: A Contrast | 1916 | Book | Carl Crow | English | America, Japan, contrast, war, Crow |
56 | I Speak for the Chinese | 1937 | Book | Carl Crow | English | China, Japan, war, Crow |
57 | The Chinese Are Like That | 1938 | Book | Carl Crow | English | China, friend, Japan, war, Crow |
58 | My Friends the Chinese | 1938 | Book | Carl Crow | English | China, friend, Japan, war, Crow |
59 | Foreign Devils in the Flowery Kingdom | 1940 | Book | Carl Crow | English | China, foreign, war, Crow |
60 | Meet the South Americans | 1940 | Book | Carl Crow | English | South, Latin, America, war, Crow |
61 | Master Kung: The Story of Confucius | 1940 | Book | Carl Crow | English | China, philosophy, Confucius, biography, war, Crow |
62 | Japan’s Dream of World Empire: The Tanaka Memorial | 1942 | Book | Carl Crow | English | China, Japan, memorial, war, Crow |
63 | The Great American Customer | 1943 | Book | Carl Crow | English | America, customer, war, Crow |
64 | China Takes Her Place | 1944 | Book | Carl Crow | English | China, war, Crow |
65 | The City of Flint Grows Up | 1945 | Book | Carl Crow | English | City, story, Crow |
66 | The Long Road Back to China: The Burma Road Wartime Diaries | 1944 | Book | Carl Crow | English | Burma, China, autobiography, diary, war, Crow |
68 | Foreign trade value of American magazines | 1919 | Journal article | Logan, George L. | English | advertising, method, Straits Settlements, Penang, consul, commerce, Department, United States, Federal, state, report, trade, magazine, value, foreign, reading, room, mail, order, library, table |
69 | Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family | 1934 | Book | Lamson, Herbert Day | English | sociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, deficiency, public health, mar |
70 | Review of Lamson, Herbert Day, Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family | 1934 | Journal article | Holcombe, A.N. | English | review, sociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, deficiency, public hea |
71 | Review of Lamson, Herbert Day, Social pathology in China; a source book for the study of problems of livelihood, health, and the family | 1935 | Journal article | Burgess, J. Stewart | English | review, political, science, sociology, social, survey, pathology, China, livelihood, health, family, poverty, pauperism, wage, income, rural, urban, industrial, housing, illiteracy, population, sickness, leprosy, tuberculosis, veneral, mental, disease, de |