87 documents
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87 results (1/2 pages)     12       
ID Title Date Estimated date 

78Advertisement for Newmilks, Limited published in the magazine "Radiant Health" in 19351935Spring 1935

83Advertisement for Newmilks, Limited, entitled "Freshness, That's Real" (magazine ad) in 193619351935, Spring

79Advertisement for Newmilks, Limited, entitled "How it is done" (leaflet) in 1936Monday 20 July 1936July 1936

36Advertising Art Studio, Letterhead (1942-1943)Tuesday 15 December 1942

34Advertising Art Studio, Moving boards (1942)Tuesday 15 December 1942

35Advertising Art Studio, Proposed use of boys for the sol purpose of displaying advertisements (1942)Tuesday 15 December 1942

9Advertising board at Jessfield Park entrance, opposite St Georges' (Oriental Press)October 1922October 1922

10Advertising hoarding at corner Weihaiwei & Yates Road (to replace a Chinese fence) (Oriental Press) in 1922-1924October 1922October 1922

13Advertising hoarding by Outdoor Publicity Company corner Haining & Chapoo RoadWednesday 15 October 1924October 15, 1924-October 29, 1924

11Advertising hoarding by Vee Loo Advertising Agency on Bubbling Well Road (1925)Tuesday 15 December 1925December 15, 1925-December 22, 1925

12Advertising hoarding by Vee Loo Advertising Agency on New World building corner Bubbling Well, Nanking & Thibet RoadTuesday 15 December 1925December 15, 1925-December 22, 1925

6Advertising on Exteriors of Tramways of Shanghai Electric Construction Company in 1928Monday 5 November 19281928

31Advertising on Ricshas & Pullers' Coats (National Advertising Agency), 1927Friday 25 November 19271927-1928

3Advertising on Tramways by Oriental PressWednesday 15 June 19211921

17Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places by Illuminated Advertisement Company (1)Sunday 28 October 1928October 28, 1928

18Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places by Illuminated Advertisement Company (2)Friday 12 October 1928October 12, 1928

62Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places by Illuminated Advertisement Company (Sample Pillar on Edward VII Avenue)Thursday 8 March 1928October 12, 1928

14Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stops (View from roadway) by Art Picture Advertising CompanyMonday 27 May 1929May 1929, 27

15Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stops (View from sidewalk) by Art Picture Advertising CompanyMonday 27 May 1929May 27, 1929

67Asiatic Petroleum Company, Proposed location for the two Shell signs projecting over the pavement, corner Rockhill & Ammerst Avenue (1936)Monday 18 May 1936

66Asiatic Petroleum Company, Shell shop signs in different parts of the Settlement (1935)Wednesday 16 October 1935

65Asiatic Petroleum Company, Shell signs overhanging Rockhill & Ammerst Avenue (1936)Monday 18 May 1936
27B.A.T.'s application for permit to erect a signboard advertising "Deluxe" cigarette in place of a bamboo fence used for posters (sniping) corner Bubbling Well & Love Lane in 1924 (rejected)Thursday 27 November 1924

108Capitol Theater (Shahmoon Building 光陆大楼)

25Carl Crow's application for permit to erect a hoarding corner Avenue & Gordon Road for advertising Ruby Queen cigarette in 1926 (rejected on account of the residential nature of the neighborhood)

26Carl Crow's second application for permit to erect a bulletin corner Bubbling Well Road & Love Lane in 1927 (approved provided a proper plan is submitted) Thursday 6 January 1927

54Carl Crow, Advertising Hoarding corner Avenue & Gordon Roads, Cad Lot 3185 (1926)Friday 21 May 1926

55Carl Crow, Advertising Hoarding corner Avenue Foch & Chengtu Road (1941)Friday 29 August 1941

53Carl Crow, Advertising hoardings corner Bubbling Well & Love Lane (1927)Thursday 6 January 1927

49Carl Crow, Roof Signs 417 Nanking Road (1921)Friday 25 November 1921

7Chinese Y.M.C.A. Banners stretched across Nanking & Szechuen Roads between Wing On to Sincere Department StoresMonday 3 May 19261926

43Claude Neon Light on delivery truck advertising Lazaridy vodka (1936)Tuesday 4 February 1936

42Claude Neon Light on delivery truck advertising Lazaridy vodka (section AA) (1936)Tuesday 4 February 1936

68Communicatus Advertising Company, Proposed Master Clocks at important road intersections (1932)Friday 8 July 1932

110Compagnie française de réclames lumineuses. Illuminated bus stops

56Dah Tung Advertising Agency, Advertising board on a wall, corner Bubbling & Weihaiwei Rd (1936)Sunday 22 March 1936

24Deceitful sign advertising "New York & Co.Modern Laundry" in Shanghai1937

16Eastern China Advertising Company, Proposed Standard Type of Highway Electric Clock for International Concession in Shanghai (1931)Monday 7 September 1931September 1931, 7-July 4, 1932

45Eastern Theatre & National Amusements Company, Request for advertising space on Wayside Police dormitory (1930)Tuesday 25 February 1930

105Editorial Cartoon. Mr. C.P. Ling. Founder and Proprietor of the China Commercial Advertising Agency, 1926-1936Wednesday 15 July 1936

30Installation of Advertising Clocks in Settlements Streets Utilising Poles & Standards of Public Utility Companies (T.A. Cooper), 1927-1928.1927-11-02

29Isida Service Association, Erection at Corners of Municipal Streets of Apparatus Containing Map of Shanghai Designed to Give Information to Public on Payments of Small Fee (1932)Monday 14 March 1932

8Isis Theatre overhanging boards on North Szechuen Roads (Chinese Advertising Agency)Monday 28 January 19241924

106It Pays To AdvertiseTuesday 20 May 1930

77Jardine Matheson & Company, Proposed neon sign for Deluxe Restaurant (Laoshan beer) in 1938Tuesday 5 July 19381938

61K. Mondenach, Projection work inside a jewellery shop on Bubbling Well Road with lantern effect on pavement (1940)Thursday 6 June 1940

23Label for Sun Chocomilk (Newmilks, Ltd)Thursday 30 July 1936

22Label for Sun Milk Shake Strawberry (Newmilks, Ltd)Thursday 9 July 1936

84Letterhead of Millington, Ltd. (1928-1929)Friday 8 June 1928

86Letterhead of Millington, Ltd. (1930-1932)

87Letterhead of Millington, Ltd. (1934-1935)

88Letterhead of Millington, Ltd. (1938)

107Luna Park

28McMichael's Agency's Hoardings on the Boundary Wall of the Race Course in 1935Monday 7 October 1935August 4-October 26 1935

57Millington, Ltd, Advertising hoarding corner Medhurst & Avenue Road (1929)Wednesday 14 August 1929

70Modern Publicity Company, Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places (1932) (1)Wednesday 29 June 1932

71Modern Publicity Company, Proposed Bus Indicator (1932) (2)Thursday 22 September 1932

69National Advertising Agency & Publishers, Lamp advertisements in public gardens and streets (1929)Saturday 23 February 1929

74New World Illuminated Sign in 1919Wednesday 26 February 1919February 1919

37Offensive billboard advertising "Gonocure" on Bubbling Well Road (Opposite Long Fei Gate) (1935)Saturday 23 March 19351935
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