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ID Name Title Title [cn] Year 
915Advertisement on Traffic Control Lamp Posts. Dollar Advertising Company. 1931-1932.Dollar Advertising Company: Advertisement on Traffic Control Lamp Posts 1931
916Advertising Hoardings. Carl Crow Incorporated. Western District 8, South of Cadastral Lot 2610. Bubbling Well Road. 1922. Carl Crow, Inc.: Billboards in place of bamboo fence at St. George Hotel1922
918Claude Neon Light: Contingentement en électricitéWartime restrictions on electricity consumption: Claude Neon Light's complaint1941
919Electro Advertising Corporation (H.D. Rodger). Advertising Signs on Shanghai Power Company's Poles, 1938Electro Advertising Corporation: Advertising Signs on Shanghai Power Company's Poles (disapproved)1938
920Advertising Services Offered by Mrs. Carney.  PHD Publicity. Propositions from Advertising AgentsDora Carney's Publicity Services to SMC Public Health Department (disapproved)1939
921Objectionable AdvertisementYoung Chinese girl "killed" by a horror movie poster 1937
922China Advertising Company, Licensing Street advertising, 1905-1910China Advertising Company: early regulation of billposting1905
923China Advertising Company. Advertising Hoardings corner Soochow & Szechuen Roads. 1905-1907China Advertising Company: Regulating early hoardings in residential districts1905
924Hoardings. Advertising Space. Shanghai Advertising & Bill Posting Company. 1905-1906Shanghai Advertising & Bill Posting Company: Regulating early billboards in the International Settlement1905
925Hoardings. Advertising Space. Shanghai Advertising & Bill Posting Company. 1905-1906Shanghai Advertising & Bill Posting Company: Regulating early billboards in the International Settlement1906
926Hoardings - Advertising Space. China Advertising Company (Agency). A.G. HickmottChina Advertising Company (Agency): early regulation of advertising in the International Settlement1907
927T.Y. Chang. 1923, 1924, 33 North Szechuen Road (Isis Theatre). 1925China Advertising Agency (T.Y. Chang): painting work on billboards near Isis Theater1924
928Millington Limited. Panneaux-réclames en bordure de chantier. 1932Millington, Ltd.: Aesthetic billboards on building site corner Doumer/Joffre1932
929Carl Crow vs. Millington, Location d'un terre-plein, triangle Edouard VII-Vincent Mathieu-Weikwei (Refusé pour des raisons esthétiques)Carl Crow vs. Millington: Advertising on a vacant lot corner Edward VII/Vincent Mathieu (disapproved for aesthetic reasons)1938
930Advertising Hoardings. Miscellaneous. McMichael's Agency - Boundary Wall of the Race Course. McMichael's Agency: Advertising Hoardings on the Boundary Wall of the Race Course1935
931Advertising Hoardings - Miscellaneous. McMichael's Agency. Yu Ya Ching & Racecourse RoadsMcMichael's Agency: Advertising Hoardings corner Yu Ya Ching & Racecourse Roads1938
932Trade PageantsAdvertisements on Municipal Roads, Footpaths, etc - Trade Pageants. Associated Products Company1932
933Advertising on Trams - Oriental PressAdvertising on Trams - Oriental Press1921
934Tramway Company. Posters on Trams - "Sawing through a WomanTramway Company. Posters on Trams - "Sawing through a Woman"1921
935Tramway Company. Advertising on Exterior of TramsTramway Company. Advertising on Exterior of Trams1928
936Millington, F.C. Suggested Revenue from Advertising on Trams, Buses, Lorries, etc.Suggested Revenue from Advertising on Trams, Buses, Lorries, etc.1927
937Erection of Street map apparatus in Shanghai International Settlement (Isida Service Association)Erection at Corners of Municipal Streets of Apparatus Containing Map of Shanghai Designed to Give Information to Public on Payments of Small Fee. Isida Service Association1932
938Illuminated Sign Posts in Shanghai French Concession (Acheson Lucey)Poteaux indicateurs lumineux. Acheson E. Lucey1932
939Illuminated poles in Shanghai French Concession (Metropolitan Advertisement Company)Poteaux-réclames lumineux sur trottoirs. Metropolitan Advertisement Company1931
940Illuminated kiosks on tramway refuges in Shanghai French Concession (Mrs. Ambrose)Kiosque-réclame lumineux sur les toits des arrêts de tramway (Mme Ambrose)1939
941Illuminated Advertising Kiosks in Shanghai International Settlement (Echo Advertising Agency)Illuminated Advertising Kiosks. Echo Advertising Agency1930
942Advertising stands in Shanghai French Concession (Continental Trading Company)Installation de stands publicitaires sur les trottoirs de la Concession française. Continental Trading Company1931
943Advertisements on Footpaths (National Advertising Agency & Publishers)Advertisements on Footpaths. National Advertising Agency & Publishers1929
944Advertising kiosk and clock in Shanghai French Concession (China Advertising Company)Kiosque-réclame avec horloge (China Advertising Company)1941
945Erection of Advertising Pillars at Omnibus Stopping Places (Modern Publicity Company)Piliers publicitaires aux arrêts d'omnibus. Modern Publicity Company1932
946Indecent show-windows of Chinese pharmacies in foreign settlementsObnoxious Advertising1939
947Offensive hoardings in Shanghai foreign settlementsCleaner Hoardings. Our Signboards, A Repulsive Example. Our Signboards, Plea to the City Fathers1936
948Advertisements for quack medicines in the Chinese press Ferocious Tiger Pills. Advertisements for a German Aphrodisiac in Chinese Language Publications1938
949Chinese Ratepayers' complaint against "indecent" advertisements for quack medicinesIndecent Advertisements1939
950Censorship of films, hoardings and other forms of advertisingMunicipal Notification No. 4028, 4044, 54991941
951"Indecent" advertisements for quack medicines in the pre-Republican Chinese pressIndecent Advertisements in the native press, 1908-19101910
953Controlling Advertisements for Patent Medicines in ShanghaiAdvertisement for Proprietary Medicines1930
954"Indecent" Billboards advertising cures for Veneral DiseasesAdvertisement for Cure of Veneral Disesase1935
955"Indecent" Advertisement for Kidney Pills Advertisement for Sphrodisiac Pills1937
956Advertisements for "indecent" performance in the "Crystal" newspaperThe Crystal. Indecent Advertisements1940
957Special Regulations relating to Advertisement Hoardings and BoardsSpecial Regulations relating to Advertisement Hoardings and Boards1930
958Advertising Space. B.A.T., Advertising Balloon, Chang Hsu Ho Gardens Tea HouseBritish-American Tobacco: Advertising Balloon (Three Castles), Chang Hsu Ho Gardens Tea House (refused)1924
959Advertising Balloons. Messrs. Marden & Company, LimitedMarden & Co. Advertising Balloon (refused)1938
964Central Offices. Advertisement HoardingsOriental Advertising Agency: Proposed Hoardings facing Cathedral1914
965Taxation of Street AdvertisingGeneral Buildings Advertisements. Taxation of Street Advertising. Special Regulations With Respect to Advertisement Structures & Boards1928
966Taxation of Street AdvertisingGeneral Buildings Advertisements. Taxation of Street Advertising. Special Regulations With Respect to Advertisement Structures & Boards1930
967Amendment as to height, alteration and removal of boardsAmendment as to height, alteration and removal of boards1934
968Taxation of Street Advertising (General Buildings Advertisements)Carl Crow's complaints and suggestions regarding the height limit to advertising signs1934
969Special Regulations with Respect to Advertisement Structures and BoardsSpecial Regulations with Respect to Advertisement Structures and Boards (Revised)1934
971Advertising Association of China (General Buildings Advertisements -- General)Association of Advertising Agencies of China: Report on the first meeting1924
972Oriental Advertising Agency. Advertising Hoardings. Western District (3)Oriental Advertising Agency. Art Boards on Bubbling Well Road1923
973Advertising Hoardings: P.W.D. DepotsAdvertising Hoardings around Public Works Department Depots1924
974Advertisements on Municipal Properties - Central District. Honan Road BridgeBritish American Tobacco Company (China), Limited: Advertisements on Honan Road Bridge1923
975Advertising Hoardings. Carl Crow Incorporated. General - Request for list of new buildingsCarl Crow, Inc.: Request for list of new buildings1922
976Advertising Hoardings. Carl Crow Incorporated. General - Request for list of new buildingsCarl Crow, Inc.: Permit for repainting hoardings1924
977Advertising Hoardings - Carl Crow Incorporated - Eastern District. Corner of Ward and Muirhead RoadsCarl Crow, Inc: Removal of hoardings in view of building operations1926
978Advertising Hoardings - Carl Crow Incorporated. Western District (4) Carl Crow, Inc. Advertising Hoardings: Bubbling Well Rd & Tifeng Roads1925
979Advertising Hoardings - Carl Crow Incorporated. Western District (10) Carl Crow, Inc. Advertising Hoardings: Foch Avenue & Chengtu Road1922
980Oriental Advertising Agency. Advertising Hoardings. Central District (5)Oriental Advertising Agency. Hoarding in place of Bamboo Fence: Kiangse Road1923
981Oriental Advertising Agency. Advertising Hoardings. Western District (12)Oriental Advertising Agency. Hoarding on a bamboo fence, Avenue & Carter Road1925
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